South East Region NRM Business Plan

Consultation has concluded


Community consultation on the draft Business Plan 2016/17-2018/19 has now closed.

Responses are now being reviewed and work on the plan continues.Community consultation is an important aspect of the process and we thank all those who provided their feedback.

Further information will be provided on the Natural Resources South East website as it becomes available.


The South East Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board is seeking feedback on its draft Business Plan 2016/17-2018/19

What is being decided?

The draft Business Plan (PDF, 2.2MB) sets out the South East NRM Board’s priorities for achieving NRM outcomes in the next


Community consultation on the draft Business Plan 2016/17-2018/19 has now closed.

Responses are now being reviewed and work on the plan continues.Community consultation is an important aspect of the process and we thank all those who provided their feedback.

Further information will be provided on the Natural Resources South East website as it becomes available.


The South East Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board is seeking feedback on its draft Business Plan 2016/17-2018/19

What is being decided?

The draft Business Plan (PDF, 2.2MB) sets out the South East NRM Board’s priorities for achieving NRM outcomes in the next three years. It describes the NRM levies that will be collected and how they will be spent in the region.

How can your input influence the decision?

There are major changes in this draft Business Plan 2016/17-2018/19 from the last Plan, both in the amount of the levy to be collected and how the NRM levies will be raised. Your feedback is welcome and will be considered by the South East NRM Board in its finalisation of the draft Business Plan. For more details on the changes click here.

Community meeting opportunities

Listening posts

  • The Bordertown Show
    Saturday 14 November 2015
  • Mount Gambier Sale Yards
    9:00am - 1:00pm Wednesday 25 November 2015
  • Millicent RSL Market Day
    9:00am - 1:00pm Saturday 12 December 2015
  • Naracoorte Town Square
    9:00am - 1:00pm Thursday 3 December 2015
  • Mount Gambier Farmers Market Day
    9:00am - 12:00pm Saturday 5 December 2015
  • Kingston Fair
    6:00pm - 9:00pm Saturday 12 December 2015
  • Robe Farmers Market
    9:00am - 1:00pm Sunday 10 January 2016
  • Beachport Market Day
    9:00am - 1:00pm Saturday 2 January 2016

Public meeting

Time: 7:00pm
Date: Tuesday 8 December
Venue: City Hall, Main Corner Complex, Mount Gambier

You can also have a Board member and a Natural Resources South East Staff member attend a meeting of your community or stakeholder group to provide a briefing on the draft Business Plan and answer questions. To arrange a briefing please contact the Natural Resource Centre on 08 87351177 or email

How will your input be used?

All submissions will be considered, and the draft Business Plan 2016/17-2018/19 will be amended in response to those submissions. The final amended plan will be adopted by the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation in June 2016.

Want to know more?

You can find us on:

Twitter: @yournrse
Phone: 08 8735 1177

You can also join the conversation using #myviewnrse


About the changes

The South East Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board has prepared the draft Business Plan (PDF, 2.2 MB) to raise additional income through NRM levies to meet State Water Planning and Management and other increasing costs.

To ensure the Board can continue to achieve its obligations, the Board is proposing that income from NRM land and water levies will increase from $4.9M in 2015/16 to $8.6M in 2016/17. It is also proposing changes to the way in which NRM land and water levies are raised, following stakeholder feedback. The Board convened five meetings with key stakeholders and undertook a social impact model assessment to help it consider how the levies are to be raised. The draft Business Plan proposes that the NRM land levy be raised by setting a rate per dollar on the capital value of rateable properties, instead of the current flat rate per property.

The SE NRM Board is also proposing that the NRM water levy be raised by a fixed charge of $200 per license plus a rate per ML of allocation. These changes are being proposed to align the levies to a user pays principle.

The draft Business Plan contains the same work program that was considered by the community and approved in early 2015. The longstanding programs that have been identified previously by the community as being of high importance, such as water planning and pest management, have been retained.

The Board is keen to involve members of the local community in helping it establish priorities for the effective management of the region’s natural resources into the future.