What is being proposed?
The Department for Housing and Urban Development are seeking your feedback on whether you would like to be considered to be included in the new inner west suburb of Southwark. The suburb of Southwark will incorporate the new $1 billion mixed-use development at the former West End Brewery site that will feature a mixed-use urban community including retail, commercial, hospitality and community space and deliver up to 1,300 new dwellings. It may also include the surrounding streets of Thebarton which were part of the original Southwark subdivision in 1881.
How will this affect me?
If approved property owners, occupants and businesses in the affected area would need to update their address with multiple agencies and organisations to reflect the new suburb name.
What happens once consultation closes?
At the end of the consultation period, the Surveyor-General will consider all feedback, and a recommendation will be made to the Minister for Planning, the Hon Nick Champion.
How can I provide my feedback?
Email a submission to DHUD.PlaceNames@sa.gov.au
- Post your written submission to Office of the Surveyor-General, GPO Box 1815, Adelaide SA 5001
- Complete the YourSAy survey