03 February 2025

Consultation opens

19 February 2025

Drop-in information session: State Library, Adelaide

Drop-in to find out more about the proposed nuclear-powered submarine construction yard, the Environmental Impact Statement prepared by Australian Naval Infrastructure (ANI) and how the development application is assessed.

ANI will be on hand to answer questions and share information about the proposed development and how potential environmental impacts have been considered and addressed, along with Department for Housing and Urban Development staff to answer questions about the assessment process.

You will also be able to submit your feedback on the Environmental Impact Statement at the event.

Australian Submarine Agency will also be available to discuss the separate strategic assessment process underway to consider and assess the impacts of the submarine construction yard's development and operations on nationally and internationally listed plants, animals, habitats and places under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

What: drop-in information session
When: Wednesday, 19 February, 11:30 am-1:30 pm
Where: State Library, corner North Terrace and Kintore Avenue, Adelaide

20 February 2025

Drop-in information session: Port Adelaide Plaza

Drop-in to find out more about the proposed nuclear-powered submarine construction yard, the Environmental Impact Statement prepared by Australian Naval Infrastructure (ANI) and how the development application is assessed.

ANI will be on hand to answer questions and share information about the proposed development and how potential environmental impacts have been considered and addressed, along with Department for Housing and Urban Development staff to answer questions about the assessment process.

You will also be able to submit your feedback on the Environmental Impact Statement at the event.

Australian Submarine Agency will also be available to discuss the separate strategic assessment process underway to consider and assess the impacts of the submarine construction yard's development and operations on nationally and internationally listed plants, animals, habitats and places under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

What: drop-in information session
When: Thursday, 20 February, 5 pm to 7 pm
Where: Port Adelaide Plaza, 200-220 Commercial Road, Port Adelaide

21 February 2025

Drop-in information session: Lefevre Community Stadium

Drop-in to find out more about the proposed nuclear-powered submarine construction yard, the Environmental Impact Statement prepared by Australian Naval Infrastructure (ANI) and how the development application is assessed.

ANI will be on hand to answer questions and share information about the proposed development and how potential environmental impacts have been considered and addressed, along with Department for Housing and Urban Development staff to answer questions about the assessment process.

You will also be able to submit your feedback on the Environmental Impact Statement at the event.

Australian Submarine Agency will also be available to discuss the separate strategic assessment process underway to consider and assess the impacts of the submarine construction yard's development and operations on nationally and internationally listed plants, animals, habitats and places under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

What: drop-in information session
When: Friday, 21 February, 1 pm to 3 pm
Where: Function Room, Lefevre Community Stadium, 514 Victoria Road, Osborne

22 February 2025

Drop-in information session: Lefevre Community Stadium

Drop-in to find out more about the proposed nuclear-powered submarine construction yard, the Environmental Impact Statement prepared by Australian Naval Infrastructure (ANI) and how the development application is assessed.

ANI will be on hand to answer questions and share information about the proposed development and how potential environmental impacts have been considered and addressed, along with Department for Housing and Urban Development staff to answer questions about the assessment process.

You will also be able to submit your feedback on the Environmental Impact Statement at the event.

Australian Submarine Agency will also be available to discuss the separate strategic assessment process underway to consider and assess the impacts of the submarine construction yard's development and operations on nationally and internationally listed plants, animals, habitats and places under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

What: drop-in information session
When: Saturday, 22 February, 1 pm to 3 pm
Where: Function Room, Lefevre Community Stadium, 514 Victoria Road, Osborne

17 March 2025

Consultation closes