South Australians are invited to share their views on the new draft South Australian Suicide Prevention Plan 2017-2021.
What is being decided?
The new Suicide Prevention Plan (PDF 1MB) will identify priority areas that align to current best practice recommendations from national and international sources to prevent suicide in South Australia and builds upon the South Australian Suicide Prevention Strategy 2012-2016.
Many South Australians have been affected by suicide and the consequences can be devastating, complex and long-lasting.
Suicide is the leading cause of death for South Australians aged 15Continue reading
This consultation has concluded.
Updates and outcomes (coming soon)
South Australians are invited to share their views on the new draft South Australian Suicide Prevention Plan 2017-2021.
What is being decided?
The new Suicide Prevention Plan (PDF 1MB) will identify priority areas that align to current best practice recommendations from national and international sources to prevent suicide in South Australia and builds upon the South Australian Suicide Prevention Strategy 2012-2016.
Many South Australians have been affected by suicide and the consequences can be devastating, complex and long-lasting.
Suicide is the leading cause of death for South Australians aged 15 to 44 and the numbers over recent years are on the rise.
How can your input influence the decision?
The issue of suicide is complex, rarely resulting from a single cause. Understanding the problems helps us understand the solution.
Help shape the new South Australian Suicide Prevention Plan 2017-2021 by providing feedback and telling us what you believe is important to include in the new plan.
The Draft Plan has been informed by learnings gained through implementation of the previous Strategy, what we have heard through listening to people in the community and the current consensus on best practice from around Australia and the World.
The new Draft Plan identifies priorities for the state to take action to prevent suicide in South Australia and identifies three main areas of focus, with actions such as:
Making people the priority
High quality treatment and continuing care after discharge from hospital settings.
Train clinicians in SA Health, the Primary Health Networks and Private Practice in Connecting with people to provide a universal approach across the state.
Identification and support for vulnerable groups and people.
Empowering communities
Establish a Suicide Prevention Network in all local government regions across the state.
Cross sector collaboration with Primary Health Networks, Local Health Networks, Non-government Organisations, education, primary and allied health, Families SA and Emergency Services to provide gap-free support and care for people in distress and crisis.
Establish Suicide Prevention Networks in Aboriginal communities.
Translating evidence into practice
Creation of a State Suicide Prevention Registry to provide early identification and understanding of changes and trends in suicide in South Australia.
Work with the State Coroners’ Office and Universities to provide evidence for best practice in suicide prevention interventions and programs.
Get involved
You can provide your ideas, suggestions and feedback by: