Consultation Outcome

Thank you for your interest in the future of single-use plastics in South Australia.

Consultation on Green Industries SA’s (GISA) Proposed Single-use and Other Plastic Products Amendment Regulations – 2024 and 2025 items was open from 18 December 2023 to 11 February 2024.

Based on the feedback received during the consultation period, some significant changes have been made to the regulations, including transition timeframes for labelling and finalising Australian Standard certification for compostable food and beverage items, as well as new exemptions for some items.

A complete summary of changes made as a result of the consultation is available on the Replace the Waste website.

The feedback provided throughout the consultation has been collated into a summary report which provides additional information and the government’s response to the various issues raised.

These regulations have now been finalised and will come into operation on 1 September 2024, and 1 September 2025.

For further information about the upcoming bans and the associated exemptions, visit the Replace the Waste website.

Once again, GISA thanks the individuals and organisations for their feedback and suggestions.

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

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