The Government announced that it would undertake a State Tax Review and released a Discussion Paper in February 2015 to facilitate consultation with the South Australian community.
Read the discussion paper (PDF, 1.4MB)
The Government has released its response to the State Tax Review as part of the 2015‑16 Budget.
Read the Government’s response
The tax reform measures the Government is undertaking in response to the State Tax Review are in line with the feedback received and its commitment to make South Australia the best place to do business.
As part of the review process the Government held a number of forums in Adelaide and regional South Australia and met individually with dozens of representatives from industry, peak groups and business. More than 80 formal submissions were also received in response to the State Tax Review Discussion Paper as well as a large number of comments.
Read the submissions to the State Tax Review
Thank you to the South Australian community for contributing to the State Tax Review process.
Consultation has concluded