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Taxi and Chauffeur Vehicle Industry Review
Consultation has concluded
This consultation has now closed, thanks for your interest.
Have your say on a review of the taxi and chauffeur industry in South Australia.
Taxis and chauffeur vehicles are an important part of our public transport network, and are often the first experience of Adelaide for visitors and tourists. It is necessary for the industry to grow and thrive into the future, however the industry is under pressure. The ability to provide improved services and an enhanced customer experience to these journeys is one of many outcomes intended in this review.
This consultation has now closed, thanks for your interest.
Have your say on a review of the taxi and chauffeur industry in South Australia.
Taxis and chauffeur vehicles are an important part of our public transport network, and are often the first experience of Adelaide for visitors and tourists. It is necessary for the industry to grow and thrive into the future, however the industry is under pressure. The ability to provide improved services and an enhanced customer experience to these journeys is one of many outcomes intended in this review.
While many drivers and vehicles involved in the industry do a great job, there is concern that service standards must increase and improve.
Changes in technology and consumer demands are presenting an opportunity to review the taxi and chauffeur vehicle industry that will lead to lasting improvements.
The South Australian Government believes the system should deliver the highest standards of customer service, provide stringent safety requirements, foster innovation and allow fair competition, and secure the future viability of the industry, while at the same time preserve a level playing-field for those operating, or wishing to operate, within the industry.
What's happening and when
A Review Panel will meet with industry representatives, participants and stakeholders, and produce a discussion paper. The paper will be released for public comment and discussion for one month. Feedback from this will inform a final report and recommendations to the Government. It is anticipated the review will be completed within six months.
Terms of Reference
The terms of reference for the Taxi and Chauffeur Industry Review are:
Service standards and opportunities for improvement
Safety and security for passengers and drivers
Driver remuneration and working conditions
Fares and surcharges
Training and accreditation requirements
Vehicle standards and requirements
Centralised booking services
Synergies with other forms of public transport
Innovation, new technologies and competition
Taxi and chauffeured vehicle roles in the tourism visitor experience
Mr Greg Crafter: Mr Crafter is highly regarded as a former South Australian Government Minister. He served as a member of the Passenger Transport Board from 1994 to 2004 and his current roles include being a member of the national board of the Calvary Hospitals and a member of the South Australian Housing Trust Board.
Ms Jane Jeffreys: Ms Jane Jeffreys is an experienced Company Director and has extensive experience in business, tourism and hospitality including as a consultant to both the public and private sectors. Current board appointments include the South Australian Tourism Commission and the Adelaide Convention Centre.
Mr Michael Luchich: Mr Luchich has more than 20 years domestic, interstate, national and international senior executive and commercial experience at Board level, CEO/MD & General Manager levels, across a range of industries and organisational structures. He is the State Director of Dimension Data, a Global IT organisation and was formerly the State Director of Telstra in SA/NT, and is a former chair of the Australian Information Industry Association.
Taxi and Chauffeur Vehicle Industry Review is currently at this stage