Preparations for the Tennyson Dunes Discovery Trail
Land surveyors have now completed onsite work at Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve on behalf of the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.
The survey work took several weeks and involved mapping land contours and vegetation. This data is now being analysed by the landscape architect and the department to identify the most suitable path alignment and possible treatments for the trail that protect the environment whilst considering access for mobility impaired, social impacts and cultural heritage of the area.
This work will take into consideration the input we received from residents, interested groups and experts during consultation, combined with the need to minimise disturbance to the dunes and vegetation.
Once completed, all information will be provided to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation for a decision about the final path alignment. Details of the final path alignment will be available on this webpage.
If you require further information on surveying at Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve please email DEWNR.tennysondunesdiscoverytrail@sa.gov.au.
Consultation has concluded