This consultation has closed. Thanks for your interest.
The criminal justice system serves the community of South Australia.
What's it all about?
The community has the right to expect a criminal justice system that is just and fair, people-focussed, visible and accessible, and that operates efficiently and effectively. The purpose of the Strategic Overview is to begin a conversation with you, as a member of the community, and the legal profession about the operation of the criminal justice system as a whole, and to consider what improvements can be made.
A shared vision
For reform to be successful,Continue reading
This consultation has closed. Thanks for your interest.
The criminal justice system serves the community of South Australia.
What's it all about?
The community has the right to expect a criminal justice system that is just and fair, people-focussed, visible and accessible, and that operates efficiently and effectively. The purpose of the Strategic Overview is to begin a conversation with you, as a member of the community, and the legal profession about the operation of the criminal justice system as a whole, and to consider what improvements can be made.
A shared vision
For reform to be successful, the community and all organisations and agencies across the criminal justice sector need to have a shared vision, commitment and a common purpose. The sector needs to work together to develop this shared vision. The South Australian Government is committed to bringing together the agencies and organisations that make up the criminal justice system and to engaging with the broader community sector to create this shared vision.
Getting involved
You may like to download the Transforming Criminal Justice Strategic Overview (PDF 3MB) document to gain a deeper understanding of the current issues and challenges in the criminal justice sector.
Register your interest (justicereform@sa.gov.au) to receive information about each of the future Transforming Criminal Justice consultations which will occur throughout 2015, and provide your views as the Government puts bold and brave ideas for proposed reform to the community, the legal profession and the criminal justice sector.
General feedback about the Strategic Overview can be submitted via email to (justicereform@sa.gov.au). This consultation will remain open until 31 March 2015.
Establishment of a Judicial Conduct Commissioner
The Attorney-General has released a Consultation Draft of the Judicial Conduct Commissioner Bill 2015 (the Bill) for public comment.
You may like to download the consultation Draft of the Judicial Conduct Commissioner Bill 2015 (PDF 127KB). This Bill creates a Judicial Conduct Commissioner and provides for the establishment of a transparent, formal and independent mechanism for dealing with complaints made against judicial officers, such as Judges and Magistrates.
You may like to download the Transforming Criminal Justice - Establishment of a Judicial Conduct Commissioner Fact Sheet (PDF 348.1KB) for further information.
Feedback on this Draft Bill can be submitted via email to (justicereform@sa.gov.au). This consultation will remain open until 31 January 2015.
Important information about your submission
If you do not want the public to read your answers, please write “confidential” on your submission.
Please be aware that unless you write “confidential” on your submission it should be expected to be made public.
If someone asks for your answers through the Freedom of Information Act process, and if you have told us your answers are confidential, we will contact you and explain what is happening. However, we have to follow the law. Even if your answers are confidential, we may still have to let someone read your confidential answers, if they ask for them through the Freedom of Information Act process.