This consultation has closed. Thank you for your interest.
Many services for the community are delivered by the non-government organisations (NGOs). This sector gets some of its funding from government. As a result of the Australian Services Union equal remuneration case in 2012, Fair Work Australia (FWA) – the tribunal responsible for setting award and pay conditions for this sector – awarded a pay increase to those who performing this important work.
The South Australian Government is a key provider of grant and program funding to NGOs. We have committed to paying our fair share of the increasedContinue reading
This consultation has closed. Thank you for your interest.
Many services for the community are delivered by the non-government organisations (NGOs). This sector gets some of its funding from government. As a result of the Australian Services Union equal remuneration case in 2012, Fair Work Australia (FWA) – the tribunal responsible for setting award and pay conditions for this sector – awarded a pay increase to those who performing this important work.
The South Australian Government is a key provider of grant and program funding to NGOs. We have committed to paying our fair share of the increased costs due to this FWA equal pay decision.
We have set up a working group consisting of members from government departments, NGO peak bodies (Association of Major Community Organisations, South Australian Council of Social Services and National Disability Services) and the Australian Services Union. This group has been fundamental in informing the Government’s decision on supplementation funding.
On 14 April 2013, the Premier outlined the Government’s commitment to supplementation funding for government grant funded programs to affected NGOs, including programs in disability, homelessness, mental health, and health.
Supplementation funding will be offered to NGOs that receive grant funding from the State Government to provide programs, employ SACS workers under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services industrial award (SCHCDS Award) to provide these services, and the NGO is financially disadvantaged by the FWA decision.
The quantum of supplementation funding offered will be dependent on the grant program. A high level categorisation of grant programs in scope has been prepared. If you receive government funding for a program that is not included on the list , please contact the relevant department (details of key contacts below). A review mechanism has been established for programs that have not been included in scope or are insufficiently supplemented.
Included are some Frequently Asked Questions have been prepared that provide more detail on the key issues.
Contact Details:
Department for Communities and Social Inclusion – Kelly Tattersall (Kelly.Tattersall@dcsi.sa.gov.au)
Department for Education and Child Development (Families SA) – Shirley Smith (Shirley.Smith2@sa.gov.au)
SA Health – Lyle Rimon (lyle.rimon@health.sa.gov.au)
Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology - Warwick Cheatle for Working Relations (Warwick.Cheatle@sa.gov.au)
Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology – Dianne Richter for Foundation Skills (Dianne.Richter@sa.gov.au)
Department of the Premier and Cabinet - Alison Meeks (Alison.Meeks@sa.gov.au)