Women’s, Child and Youth Health Plan 2021-2031

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Consultation has concluded


Help shape the future of health services for women, children and young people in South Australia for the next 10 years.

What’s being decided?

We are developing a Women’s, Child and Youth Health Plan 2021-2031 (the Plan).

The Plan will identify the health service directions and strategies to ensure our health and wellbeing services meet the needs of the community over the next 10 years.

The Plan establishes the following key priorities:

  1. Improving health equity for women, children and young people across South Australia.
  2. Empowering women, children and young people to maximise their health outcomes.
  3. Enabling the health workforce


Help shape the future of health services for women, children and young people in South Australia for the next 10 years.

What’s being decided?

We are developing a Women’s, Child and Youth Health Plan 2021-2031 (the Plan).

The Plan will identify the health service directions and strategies to ensure our health and wellbeing services meet the needs of the community over the next 10 years.

The Plan establishes the following key priorities:

  1. Improving health equity for women, children and young people across South Australia.
  2. Empowering women, children and young people to maximise their health outcomes.
  3. Enabling the health workforce to work holistically with women, children and young people living in diverse contexts.

To achieve these 3 priorities, we have developed a set of 16 proposed strategies that will guide our actions over the next 10 years.

The Summary Framework outlines our approach in more detail.

We want to know what you believe are the key priorities and opportunities to improve the health and wellbeing of all women, children and young people.

Get involved

Read the Women’s, Child and Youth Health Plan 2021-2031 Summary Framework.

To have your say:

How can your input influence the decision?

Your feedback will help ensure that the things that matter to you are considered in the development of the Plan.

What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback to finalise the draft Women’s, Child and Youth Health Plan 2021-2031. We will share a summary of the feedback received on this site.

The final Plan will be released later this year and will be available on this site and the SA Health website.

Contact details

For general inquiries, please email us at Health.WCYHPInbox@sa.gov.au

Closing date: 5pm, Friday 7 May 2021


The need for a Women’s, Child and Youth Health Plan that can support us to meet the future needs of the population was identified in the South Australian Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2025.

To support the development of the plan, we held conversations with hundreds of people across our health system over the last 12 months.

These conversations have provided us with a strong sense of what people are concerned about and how they feel when they interact with our health system. We have heard about what the health system does well, how it needs to improve, and what would make a truly transformative plan.

As a result of the significant engagement with consumers, clinicians and the community, we have developed the Women's, Child and Youth Health Plan 2021-2031 Summary Framework.

For more information, visit the SA Health website.