Consultation report
In line with its key priority of regulatory excellence, the Department of Primary Industries and Regions has undertaken an administrative review of the Wine Industry Funds established under the Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998 and identified areas for improvement. This review included targeted consultation with each of the Wine Industry Funds’ recognised representative organisations.
The identified reform areas formed the basis of the Wine Industry Fund Regulation Amendments Consultation that was published on YourSAy on 11 June 2021 and closed on 7 July 2021. This consultation was aimed at contributors to the Wine Industry Funds to seek views on the proposed changes to the regulations.
Following consideration of the consultation, regulatory amendments were approved by the Government of South Australia and published in the Government Gazette on 2 September 2021.
The amendments reduce the period a contributor to the wine funds may seek a refund, enabling better certainty and efficiency for industry and the Government of South Australia and allowing the funds to better deliver benefits to the wine industry. This change will also prevent contributors receiving benefits from the scheme for a year and then withdrawing their funds, which can compromise the viability of the schemes and the industry bodies that deliver them.
The amendments have also changed the mechanism by which contribution rates to the funds are established, allowing the rates to be established in the Government Gazette rather than in regulations.
Following identification of an inconsistency, Apiary Industry Fund regulations were also amended to align with current practice for determining the amount of contributions payable to the Fund by beekeepers.
Public consultation has demonstrated broad industry support for the both proposals, with contributors acknowledging the benefits the amendments will provide to their respective sectors.
You can read more about the consultation in our Consultation report.
Consultation has concluded