Youth Mental Health Services for South Australia – Model of Care

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

The Office of the Chief Psychiatrist is developing a Model of Care to guide the development of tertiary youth mental health services and would like your input.

What's being decided?

A draft Model of Care for tertiary youth mental health services has been developed with young people, their families, carers and organisational partners. It builds on the previous work undertaken to establish a system of care for youth mental health in South Australia. It recognises where we have come from, where we are now and where we want to head in the delivery of high-quality youth mental health services.


What has been done so far?

In 2012 a system of care was developed for youth mental health within SA Health, with implementation occurring during 2014-2015. Operationalisation of the ‘system’ was undertaken differently in each of the Local Health Networks depending on history, resourcing, and geography.

A review of youth mental health was undertaken by Dr Sandra Radovini in 2018 under the delegation of the Chief Psychiatrist. The following key findings were made:

  • A Youth Model of Mental Health Service Provision has not been implemented in South Australia
  • A passionate and committed workforce is doing its best
  • There is significant workforce dissatisfaction with current arrangements
  • There is a lack of ongoing training and issues with workforce recruitment and retention

Following the review, a clinical working group was established which had three main aims:

  • To review and update training for youth mental health
  • To develop a Model of Care
  • To consider the development of a single point of entry for youth mental health services

The group met consistently for two years, reporting to the Mental Health Leadership Group. The group determined that a facilitator should be engaged to assist with the work on the Model of care (previously system of care).

Two workshops were conducted and engaged with young people, their families, carers and organisational partners. The workshops focused on describing the vision for thriving youth mental health, the treats and supports to youth mental health, rapid ideation of the system of the future and design principles and elements for the design of a new model.

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What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback to finalise the draft Model of Care and will share a summary on this site. The final Model of Care will be available on this page.

The Office of the Chief Psychiatrist is developing a Model of Care to guide the development of tertiary youth mental health services and would like your input.

What's being decided?

A draft Model of Care for tertiary youth mental health services has been developed with young people, their families, carers and organisational partners. It builds on the previous work undertaken to establish a system of care for youth mental health in South Australia. It recognises where we have come from, where we are now and where we want to head in the delivery of high-quality youth mental health services.


What has been done so far?

In 2012 a system of care was developed for youth mental health within SA Health, with implementation occurring during 2014-2015. Operationalisation of the ‘system’ was undertaken differently in each of the Local Health Networks depending on history, resourcing, and geography.

A review of youth mental health was undertaken by Dr Sandra Radovini in 2018 under the delegation of the Chief Psychiatrist. The following key findings were made:

  • A Youth Model of Mental Health Service Provision has not been implemented in South Australia
  • A passionate and committed workforce is doing its best
  • There is significant workforce dissatisfaction with current arrangements
  • There is a lack of ongoing training and issues with workforce recruitment and retention

Following the review, a clinical working group was established which had three main aims:

  • To review and update training for youth mental health
  • To develop a Model of Care
  • To consider the development of a single point of entry for youth mental health services

The group met consistently for two years, reporting to the Mental Health Leadership Group. The group determined that a facilitator should be engaged to assist with the work on the Model of care (previously system of care).

Two workshops were conducted and engaged with young people, their families, carers and organisational partners. The workshops focused on describing the vision for thriving youth mental health, the treats and supports to youth mental health, rapid ideation of the system of the future and design principles and elements for the design of a new model.

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What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback to finalise the draft Model of Care and will share a summary on this site. The final Model of Care will be available on this page.

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.