Independent Review of the Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Act 2020

Share your view on the impact and effectiveness of the Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Act 2020 over the last three years.

What's being decided?

As part of an independent review of the Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Act 2020 (the SUP Act), we are seeking community feedback to draft a recommendation report to the Deputy Premier.

The Discussion Paper – Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance Act) provides information and poses questions on several issues which you are invited to provide input.

The review is seeking to:

  • determine the effect of the current legislation on the community
  • identify opportunities to improve the legislation ensuring it remains fit-for-purpose and meets evolving challenges.


The SUP Act commenced on 1 March 2021 and it was the first Australian state legislation banning single-use and other plastic items. The SUP Act is the responsibility of the Minister for Climate, Water and Environment, the Hon Dr Susan Close MP.

As part of the legislation, an independent review must be conducted after 3 years. The report must include a review of the effect on the community of Part 2 and Part 3 of the SUP Act and a review of any public information campaigns conducted by or on behalf of the government on reducing the use of plastic products and the increasing the recycling of plastics. The review may also include any other matters that the Minister may consider relevant.

The Terms of Reference have been developed to include identifying opportunities to update definitions, address harmful chemicals, mandate reusable food and beverage containers in specific settings and/or large public events as well as consider opportunities to harmonise with other jurisdictions’ legislation across Australia and New Zealand.

Get involved

Find out more by:

Have your say by:

  • taking our survey
  • emailing your feedback to
  • posting your written submission to:
    SUP Act Review
    Green Industries SA
    GPO BOX 1047
    ADELAIDE SA 5001

Please be aware that, unless a request for confidentiality is made, information contained in any submission may be referred to publicly or published. Any material identified as ‘confidential’ is still subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1991 and, while efforts will be made to keep the material confidential, in some circumstances it may be disclosed under that Act.

What are the next steps?

A report will be prepared, summarising the findings of the Review and making recommendations for amendments to the SUP Act.

The report will be provided to the Deputy Premier in December 2024, and will be published here.

Share your view on the impact and effectiveness of the Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Act 2020 over the last three years.

What's being decided?

As part of an independent review of the Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Act 2020 (the SUP Act), we are seeking community feedback to draft a recommendation report to the Deputy Premier.

The Discussion Paper – Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance Act) provides information and poses questions on several issues which you are invited to provide input.

The review is seeking to:

  • determine the effect of the current legislation on the community
  • identify opportunities to improve the legislation ensuring it remains fit-for-purpose and meets evolving challenges.


The SUP Act commenced on 1 March 2021 and it was the first Australian state legislation banning single-use and other plastic items. The SUP Act is the responsibility of the Minister for Climate, Water and Environment, the Hon Dr Susan Close MP.

As part of the legislation, an independent review must be conducted after 3 years. The report must include a review of the effect on the community of Part 2 and Part 3 of the SUP Act and a review of any public information campaigns conducted by or on behalf of the government on reducing the use of plastic products and the increasing the recycling of plastics. The review may also include any other matters that the Minister may consider relevant.

The Terms of Reference have been developed to include identifying opportunities to update definitions, address harmful chemicals, mandate reusable food and beverage containers in specific settings and/or large public events as well as consider opportunities to harmonise with other jurisdictions’ legislation across Australia and New Zealand.

Get involved

Find out more by:

Have your say by:

  • taking our survey
  • emailing your feedback to
  • posting your written submission to:
    SUP Act Review
    Green Industries SA
    GPO BOX 1047
    ADELAIDE SA 5001

Please be aware that, unless a request for confidentiality is made, information contained in any submission may be referred to publicly or published. Any material identified as ‘confidential’ is still subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1991 and, while efforts will be made to keep the material confidential, in some circumstances it may be disclosed under that Act.

What are the next steps?

A report will be prepared, summarising the findings of the Review and making recommendations for amendments to the SUP Act.

The report will be provided to the Deputy Premier in December 2024, and will be published here.

Page last updated: 11 Sep 2024, 04:33 PM