Adelaide Beach Management Review Options Shortlist

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Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

Let us know your thoughts on the shortlisted options to manage our Adelaide beaches.

What's being decided?

As part of making its recommendation to government, the Adelaide Beach Management Review Independent Advisory Panel is considering several feasible options that have been shortlisted following an independent scientific review. The Panel now wants to hear from the public on these options.

The review includes consideration of:

  1. How to manage sand on Adelaide’s beaches to minimise disruption for all communities, avoid environmental harm and maximise sand staying on beaches.
  2. The Adelaide community’s views on sand management options and on the impact of the current sand management approaches.
  3. Lessons from international and interstate examples of sand management on metropolitan beaches.
  4. What can be learned from the most up to date analysis of climate science about future management of Adelaide’s beaches.

The scientific review has shortlisted several feasible management options for the future management of Adelaide’s metropolitan coastline. The Panel now seeks your feedback on these options prior to making its final recommendation to government.


Adelaide’s beaches have been managed for nearly 50 years with the aim to protect homes, businesses and infrastructure from storms and to provide sandy beaches for our community to enjoy.

This has been done by moving sand from where it builds up to areas that are being eroded. This has involved trucking sand from one point to another, as well as using a sand recycling pipeline. Sand has also been brought in from external sources, including quarries or offshore deposits.

In April 2022 the South Australian Government announced that a comprehensive review of all available sand management options would be undertaken to ensure a long-term solution is found which puts community and the environment at the core.

An independent advisory panel is conducting this review.

Note: In April - June 2023, we undertook Phase 1 consultation with the community on a longer list of sand management options. You can view the results of the Phase 1 consultation below:

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say by:

  • taking our survey below
  • registering your interest to publicly speak to your survey response or written submission at a meeting of the Independent Advisory Panel (IAP)
  • emailing a submission to marked Adelaide Beach Management Review.

What are the next steps?

The Adelaide Beach Management Review Independent Advisory Panel considered community feedback as part of finalising its advice to government on feasible coastal management options.

The panel handed down its final report on 24 May 2024.

Let us know your thoughts on the shortlisted options to manage our Adelaide beaches.

What's being decided?

As part of making its recommendation to government, the Adelaide Beach Management Review Independent Advisory Panel is considering several feasible options that have been shortlisted following an independent scientific review. The Panel now wants to hear from the public on these options.

The review includes consideration of:

  1. How to manage sand on Adelaide’s beaches to minimise disruption for all communities, avoid environmental harm and maximise sand staying on beaches.
  2. The Adelaide community’s views on sand management options and on the impact of the current sand management approaches.
  3. Lessons from international and interstate examples of sand management on metropolitan beaches.
  4. What can be learned from the most up to date analysis of climate science about future management of Adelaide’s beaches.

The scientific review has shortlisted several feasible management options for the future management of Adelaide’s metropolitan coastline. The Panel now seeks your feedback on these options prior to making its final recommendation to government.


Adelaide’s beaches have been managed for nearly 50 years with the aim to protect homes, businesses and infrastructure from storms and to provide sandy beaches for our community to enjoy.

This has been done by moving sand from where it builds up to areas that are being eroded. This has involved trucking sand from one point to another, as well as using a sand recycling pipeline. Sand has also been brought in from external sources, including quarries or offshore deposits.

In April 2022 the South Australian Government announced that a comprehensive review of all available sand management options would be undertaken to ensure a long-term solution is found which puts community and the environment at the core.

An independent advisory panel is conducting this review.

Note: In April - June 2023, we undertook Phase 1 consultation with the community on a longer list of sand management options. You can view the results of the Phase 1 consultation below:

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say by:

  • taking our survey below
  • registering your interest to publicly speak to your survey response or written submission at a meeting of the Independent Advisory Panel (IAP)
  • emailing a submission to marked Adelaide Beach Management Review.

What are the next steps?

The Adelaide Beach Management Review Independent Advisory Panel considered community feedback as part of finalising its advice to government on feasible coastal management options.

The panel handed down its final report on 24 May 2024.

  • This survey allows you to provide feedback on as many or as few of the options as you like.

    Please read the discussion paper on the shortlisted options prior to completing this survey.

    Depending on your answers, this survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete. 

    Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

    Share Survey: Adelaide Beach Management Review Options Shortlist on Facebook Share Survey: Adelaide Beach Management Review Options Shortlist on Twitter Share Survey: Adelaide Beach Management Review Options Shortlist on Linkedin Email Survey: Adelaide Beach Management Review Options Shortlist link
  • Please fill out the form below if you would like to publicly speak to your survey response or written submission at a meeting of the Independent Advisory Panel (IAP).

    These meetings are being coordinated by the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) and will be held after the end of the consultation period. You will be contacted by DEW staff who will provide you with the time for which you will attend.

    To ensure everyone has time to speak, you will be provided with strictly 5 minutes to speak to the key points of your survey response or written submission.  In registering your interest, you accept that you will be speaking in front of the IAP, DEW staff and other community members. 

    Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

    Share Registration form to speak to submission at a meeting of the Independent Advisory Panel on Facebook Share Registration form to speak to submission at a meeting of the Independent Advisory Panel on Twitter Share Registration form to speak to submission at a meeting of the Independent Advisory Panel on Linkedin Email Registration form to speak to submission at a meeting of the Independent Advisory Panel link