AGD Suicide Prevention Plan 2025-2028

Have your say on our draft Suicide Prevention Action Plan.
What's being decided?
The Attorney-General’s Department (AGD) is seeking your feedback on its draft Suicide Prevention Action Plan.
This is the department’s first ever Suicide Prevention Action Plan, and your views are important. Your response will be considered by AGD when developing the final version of the plan.
The AGD Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025-2028 reflects a department-wide commitment to suicide prevention.
It includes a range of specific measures and initiatives that aim to educate staff about suicide prevention, support people experiencing mental ill health, and provide staff with the tools and knowledge to compassionately respond to suicide and suicide-related distress.
The plan was developed in consultation with AGD staff, and is now being made available for public consultation with members of the community. We welcome your feedback.
The plan is designed to support the implementation of the South Australian Suicide Prevention Plan 2023-2026, and to further the objects of the Suicide Prevention Act 2021 (SA) (the Act).
Get involved
Find out more:
Take a look at the AGD Strategic Plan 2024-26
Promote the consultation with your networks by sharing the link to this YourSAy page.
Have your say:
Complete our survey
Email your feedback to
What are the next steps?
We will consider your feedback to finalise the AGD Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025-2028.
The final action plan will be released in early 2025 and will be available on this page.