AGD Suicide Prevention Action Plan - Survey
Your responses and wellbeing
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the Attorney-General's Department draft Suicide Prevention Action Plan (Action Plan). Your feedback will help us shape the final version of the plan.
Providing your feedback
Please take the time to read the draft Action Plan prior to completing the survey below.
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. You are able to answer with ‘prefer not to answer’ for any of the responses.
The survey will close at 5pm on Friday 28, February 2025.
Privacy and confidentiality
All personal data will be kept confidential in line with the South Australian Government’s Information Privacy Principles and handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1991 and other applicable legislation.
Your wellbeing is important
This survey discusses suicide, which can be a highly emotive and sensitive topic for many people. Remember, the survey is completely voluntary, and you can stop at any time.
If you are worried about how you are feeling during or after this survey and would like to talk someone, please contact one of the support services listed below.
If you or someone you know is at immediate risk of harm, call 000 or Mental Health Triage on 13 14 65.
If you have lived experience with suicide but are feeling unsure of your personal readiness to complete the survey, the Roses in the Ocean self-assessment may help.
You may also wish to proactively plan for your self-care using Roses in the Ocean's Self Care Plan to ensure your participation does not negatively affect your wellbeing.
Seeking help now? You can contact one of the following support services:
- Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 or visit beyondblue.org.au
- Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 or visit suicidecallbackservice.org.au
- StandBy Support After Suicide: 1300 727 247 or visit standbysupport.com.au
- Lived Experience Telephone Support Service: 1800 013 755 or visit Letss.org.au
- Thirrili National Indigenous Postvention Service: 1800 805 801 or visit thirrili.com.au
A more extensive list of supports can be found in AGD’s draft Suicide Prevention Action Plan.