Developing a Biosecurity Bill for South Australia

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

Now is the time to have your say on a new Biosecurity Bill for South Australia.

What's being decided?

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) is undertaking consultation on a new Biosecurity Bill for South Australia.

The proposed Bill will introduce a new framework and concepts to manage biosecurity risks and impacts in South Australia, including a general biosecurity duty which is to apply across government, industry and the community more broadly.

The proposed Bill will:

  • provide South Australia a modern, flexible and responsive biosecurity framework
  • support protection from pests and diseases that threaten our economy, terrestrial and aquatic environments or may affect public amenities, communities, and infrastructure
  • bring consistency to the management of biosecurity across industries, by incorporating a number of biosecurity related Acts
  • promote shared responsibility for biosecurity amongst government, industry and community.


Biosecurity is the management of risks to the economy, the environment and the community, of pests and diseases entering, emerging, establishing or spreading in an area, for example a property, state or country.

The draft Biosecurity Bill proposes a new legislative framework that will strengthen protection of the state’s economy, terrestrial and aquatic environments and communities from the impacts of pests, diseases and other biosecurity matter.

The draft Biosecurity Bill 2023 proposes to replace the existing Livestock Act 1997, Plant Health Act 2009, Dog Fence Act 1946 and Impounding Act 1920. Certain provisions for aquatic pests in the Fisheries Management Act 2007 would also shift to the new legislation.

Arrangements for the management of weeds and vertebrate pests will remain unchanged. The Biosecurity Bill is not proposed to replace provisions related to these in the Landscape South Australia Act 2019, nor will it replace the Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995. Diseases in humans would continue to be regulated through the South Australian Public Health Act 2011.

This consultation on the draft Biosecurity Bill follows earlier consultation in 2020 on a Technical Directions Paper and Public Consultation Paper, and subsequent stakeholder engagement on a Consultation Summary Report from 22 December 2022 to 12 February 2023. Submissions received during both consultations have been considered in preparing a draft Biosecurity Bill.

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Please note that any submission may be made publicly available. If you do not wish for your submission or any part of your submission to be made public, please specify under the relevant question.

Please be aware that your submission may be subject to disclosure if someone requests it through the Freedom of Information Act 1991.

What are the next steps?

  • We have compiled a Consultation Summary Report.
  • All feedback from the public consultation has been carefully considered and the Bill revised as required.
  • The Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development introduced the Biosecurity Bill 2024 to Parliament on 29 August 2024.

Now is the time to have your say on a new Biosecurity Bill for South Australia.

What's being decided?

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) is undertaking consultation on a new Biosecurity Bill for South Australia.

The proposed Bill will introduce a new framework and concepts to manage biosecurity risks and impacts in South Australia, including a general biosecurity duty which is to apply across government, industry and the community more broadly.

The proposed Bill will:

  • provide South Australia a modern, flexible and responsive biosecurity framework
  • support protection from pests and diseases that threaten our economy, terrestrial and aquatic environments or may affect public amenities, communities, and infrastructure
  • bring consistency to the management of biosecurity across industries, by incorporating a number of biosecurity related Acts
  • promote shared responsibility for biosecurity amongst government, industry and community.


Biosecurity is the management of risks to the economy, the environment and the community, of pests and diseases entering, emerging, establishing or spreading in an area, for example a property, state or country.

The draft Biosecurity Bill proposes a new legislative framework that will strengthen protection of the state’s economy, terrestrial and aquatic environments and communities from the impacts of pests, diseases and other biosecurity matter.

The draft Biosecurity Bill 2023 proposes to replace the existing Livestock Act 1997, Plant Health Act 2009, Dog Fence Act 1946 and Impounding Act 1920. Certain provisions for aquatic pests in the Fisheries Management Act 2007 would also shift to the new legislation.

Arrangements for the management of weeds and vertebrate pests will remain unchanged. The Biosecurity Bill is not proposed to replace provisions related to these in the Landscape South Australia Act 2019, nor will it replace the Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995. Diseases in humans would continue to be regulated through the South Australian Public Health Act 2011.

This consultation on the draft Biosecurity Bill follows earlier consultation in 2020 on a Technical Directions Paper and Public Consultation Paper, and subsequent stakeholder engagement on a Consultation Summary Report from 22 December 2022 to 12 February 2023. Submissions received during both consultations have been considered in preparing a draft Biosecurity Bill.

Get involved

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Please note that any submission may be made publicly available. If you do not wish for your submission or any part of your submission to be made public, please specify under the relevant question.

Please be aware that your submission may be subject to disclosure if someone requests it through the Freedom of Information Act 1991.

What are the next steps?

  • We have compiled a Consultation Summary Report.
  • All feedback from the public consultation has been carefully considered and the Bill revised as required.
  • The Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development introduced the Biosecurity Bill 2024 to Parliament on 29 August 2024.
  • This survey provides an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft Biosecurity Bill. The draft Bill consolidates and improves upon existing biosecurity legislation in the State to provide a consistent approach to managing biosecurity risks and impacts. It also proposes new concepts underpinning a contemporary and flexible approach to biosecurity to ensure that the legislation can continue to provide for the management of rapidly changing and emerging biosecurity risks into the future. 

    The information sheet, Bill overview, and explanatory guide provide detailed explanations to assist stakeholders in understanding the intent of the Bill and to help inform feedback and comments. You may also wish to refer to the draft Bill. 

    The survey has been designed to collect feedback on the draft Bill in two ways:

    • a 5-point rating scale to measure levels of stakeholder support for provisions in the draft Bill
    • a comment box to provide any additional comments.

    When completing the survey:

    • simply select the relevant options. If you wish, please provide any general comments in the comment boxes provided
    • you can skip giving a ranking for those questions where you are unsure or otherwise don’t wish to answer. However, you are still welcome to include comments - for example, stating why you are unsure
    • allow at least 20 minutes if you intend to answer all the questions.

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

    Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.