Disability Access & Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2020-2024
Consultation has concluded
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement hub was hosted on YourSAy from 4 August to 13 November 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.
We want your feedback on the Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIP) for respective government agencies, including their proposed visions, actions and strategies to support people living with disability.
What’s being decided?
We are committed to increasing the accessibility and inclusion of our communities for people living with disability. We want to generate initiatives and build government agencies’ capacity to be accessible and inclusive in all that they do.
All South Australian Government agenciesContinue reading
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement hub was hosted on YourSAy from 4 August to 13 November 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.
We want your feedback on the Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIP) for respective government agencies, including their proposed visions, actions and strategies to support people living with disability.
What’s being decided?
We are committed to increasing the accessibility and inclusion of our communities for people living with disability. We want to generate initiatives and build government agencies’ capacity to be accessible and inclusive in all that they do.
All South Australian Government agencies are currently developing their own DAIPs, with a focus on their specific service areas.
DAIPs will include measures to:
- Ensure that people living with disability can access mainstream supports and services provided by or on behalf of the government agency
- Show how the government agency will give effect to the State Plan
- Support people with disability in the following areas:
- access to built environs, events and facilities
- access to information and communications
- address the specific needs of people with disability in programs and services
- employment
- Comply with published guidelines.
Some agencies already have DAIPs in place, and many have programs or policies in place to support our commitment. Feedback received through this process will ensure that DAIPs consider what is most important to the community, with a focus on the following priority groups:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- Culturally and linguistically diverse people
- Women
- Children.
It is essential that government agencies develop their DAIPs alongside their community so that the whole of South Australia takes ownership and responsibility for bringing them to life.
Get involved
We invite you to review and provide feedback on each government agency’s proposed DAIPs by visiting their individual consultation webpages.
You can provide your feedback to all government agencies below or choose the ones that provide those services that are most relevant to you.
Please note DAIPs will be added to this list as they become available.
No DAIPs currently open
How can your input influence the decision?
Your feedback will be considered by government agencies as they finalise their individual DAIPs.
What are the next steps?
Final DAIPs will be published on each government agency website.
Contact details
For general inquiries, please email us at yoursay@sa.gov.au and we'll redirect your query to the relevant agency.
Now Closed
This online engagement hub was hosted on YourSAy from 4 August to 13 November 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.
In 2018, the Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA) (the Act) was passed because the South Australian Government recognised that a stronger commitment to access and inclusion planning for people living with disability was needed.
The Act supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), acknowledging that people living with disability have the same human rights as other members of the community and that the State and the community have a responsibility to facilitate the exercise of those rights. The UNCRPD is underpinned by 8 guiding principles based on respect, equality and non-discrimination and was ratified by Australia in 2008, and the Optional Protocol signed by Australia in 2009.
The National Disability Strategy (NDS) is a coordinated plan across all levels of government to improve the lives of people living with disability, their families and carers, The NDS is Australia’s response to the UNCRPD and is designed to ensure the principles of the UNCRPD are incorporated into policies and programs across Australia. Currently, the Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments are working towards developing a new national disability strategy for beyond 2020.
Inclusive SA: State Disability Inclusion Plan 2019-2023 (State Plan) was released on 31 October 2019. It was developed following community and sector consultation. The key themes within the State Plan are:
- Inclusive communities for all
- Leadership and collaboration
- Accessible communities
- Learning and employment.
The State Plan is a requirement of the Act and sets a framework to support State authorities to implement the NDS.
South Australian Government agencies are now required, under sections 16(4)(b) and (c) of the Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA), to meet specific consultation requirements, including a call for submissions from members of the public to develop their Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIP).
Get involved
Now Closed
This online engagement hub was hosted on YourSAy from 4 August to 13 November 2020. Find out more about the consultation process. Below is a record of the engagement.
We are committed to increase the accessibility and inclusion of our communities for people living with disability. We want to generate initiatives and build government agencies’ capacity to be accessible and inclusive in all that they do.
We invite you to review and provide feedback on each government agency’s proposed DAIPs by visiting their individual consultation webpages.
You can provide your feedback to all government agencies below or choose the ones that provide those services that are most relevant to you.
Please note DAIPs will be added to this list as they become available.
No DAIPs currently open
Disability Access & Inclusion Plans released
Disability Access & Inclusion Plans for each agency have been released and are available each agency’s website.
Disability Access & Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2020-2024 is currently at this stageThe consultation period closed on 13 November 2020 and is currently pending outcome.
Key Dates
13 November 2020