Disability Inclusion Bill
Consultation has concluded
This engagement has now closed.
Updates and outcomes |
What you said |
The State Government will introduce new disability legislation that has a focus on improving access and inclusion for South Australians with disability to ensure that all citizens can participate in their communities, and your feedback is sought on the draft Disability Inclusion Bill.
What is being decided?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is transforming the way disability support is funded and delivered across Australia.
Previously, the State Government was responsible for funding providers to deliver services to people with disability. The Disability Services Act 1993 was createdContinue reading
This engagement has now closed.
Updates and outcomes | What you said |
The State Government will introduce new disability legislation that has a focus on improving access and inclusion for South Australians with disability to ensure that all citizens can participate in their communities, and your feedback is sought on the draft Disability Inclusion Bill.
What is being decided?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is transforming the way disability support is funded and delivered across Australia.
Previously, the State Government was responsible for funding providers to deliver services to people with disability. The Disability Services Act 1993 was created for this purpose. Most of the funding has been delivered in ‘block’ grants, allocated to service providers.
Under the NDIS, the State Government will no longer directly fund services. Instead, the National Disability Insurance Agency will work with eligible individuals to create a personal budget to pay for their chosen services and supports.
The Disability Services Act 1993 will therefore no longer be required.
The State Government continues to support people with disability in South Australia to participate as equal citizens by improving access and inclusion in all aspects of society, in line with the National Disability Strategy (NDS): https://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/disability-and-carers/program-services/government-international/national-disability-strategy.
The Disability Inclusion Bill has a new focus to reflect the landscape created by the NDIS and our commitment to the NDS. This focus will be on promoting the rights and inclusion of South Australians with disability.
Download the draft Disability Inclusion Bill (PDF 117KB).
Download the following fact sheets:
- Fact Sheet One: Overview of the Bill
- Fact Sheet Two: Disability Inclusion Planning
- Fact Sheet Three: Disability Inclusion Bill Easy Read
The Disability Inclusion Bill has a whole-of-government approach. This means everyone in State Government and includes things like public transport, education, justice, healthcare, housing, community events and public spaces. State Government Departments are already doing great things in this area. The Disability Inclusion Bill aims to strengthen current requirements for ensuring services and facilities are accessible and responsive to people with disability.
Under the proposed Disability Inclusion Bill, local councils will also be accountable for ensuring their services and facilities are accessible and responsive to people with disability as well.
This new focus is driven by the NDS and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability: (https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/convention-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities.html). These are about supporting people with disability to maximise their potential and participate as equal citizens in Australian society.
How can your input influence the decision?
We would like to hear your feedback about the proposed Disability Inclusion Bill. Your ideas are welcome and encouraged.
Although it may not be possible to incorporate all feedback into the new Bill, some ideas might be better addressed through policies, or through collaboration with other agencies and providers responsible for mainstream services. Your input will help shape this work.
There will also be further opportunities to provide feedback when the new legislation is reviewed in three years and we have a better idea of how things are working under the NDIS.
Get involved
You can tell us what you think about the draft Disability Inclusion Bill (PDF 117KB) by:
- joining the online discussion
- emailing your feedback to DCSIDisabilityTalk@sa.gov.au
- writing to the Disability Policy Unit, PO Box 70, Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
- phoning 8415 4264 (Monday to Friday, 8.00 am - 6.00 pm).
Make sure you tell us your feedback before 30 June 2017.
How will your input be used?
At the end of the engagement process we will prepare a report that explains what we heard and how we have used your feedback. This report will be made available on the YourSAy website.
Engagement Summary Report for the Disability Inclusion Bill
The Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) Disability Policy Unit undertook an engagement process to seek feedback on the draft Disability Inclusion Bill. The State Government’s YourSAy website was the primary platform used to engage the public. A copy of the draft Bill and a range of supporting material, including fact sheets and a video, were available on YourSAy during June 2017. The resources assisted stakeholders in understanding the content and impact of the Bill.
Three community meetings were also held in June 2017 to provide information to those unable to participate through YourSAy. Sixty-seven people attended these meetings to hear more information about the Bill, ask questions, and provide feedback. In addition, the Disability Policy Unit received 19 written submissions from stakeholders.
You can now read the Engagement Summary Report here:
- Download the PDF (247 KB)
- Download the DOC (150 KB)
The DCSI Disability Policy Unit thanks everyone for their participation in this engagement process. We will now focus our attentions on turning the Disability Inclusion Bill into law.
There will be further opportunities for public engagement as we develop the Regulations necessary to operationalise the legislation. In addition, there will be opportunities to participate in a full review of the legislation in three years, once we have had time to assess how it is going in conjunction with all the changes introduced through the NDIS.
Your feedback through this process has provided important information that is vital for us in writing legislation. We will use it to create the framework and requirements for a more inclusive society for people with disability, their families and carers.
Disability Inclusion Bill is currently at this stageThis consultation closed on 30 June 2017.
Disability Inclusion Bill 2017 (117 KB) (pdf)
New Disability Inclusion Legislation Fact Sheet One Overview of Disability Inclusion Bill (129 KB) (pdf)
New Disability Inclusion Legislation Fact Sheet Two Disability Inclusion Planning (129 KB) (pdf)
New Disability Inclusion Legislation (rules) Easy Read (374 KB) (pdf)
Engagement Summary Report Disability Inclusion Bill Prepared by Disability Policy Unit (247 KB) (pdf)