Engagement Summary Report for the Disability Inclusion Bill
The Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) Disability Policy Unit undertook an engagement process to seek feedback on the draft Disability Inclusion Bill. The State Government’s YourSAy website was the primary platform used to engage the public. A copy of the draft Bill and a range of supporting material, including fact sheets and a video, were available on YourSAy during June 2017. The resources assisted stakeholders in understanding the content and impact of the Bill.
Three community meetings were also held in June 2017 to provide information to those unable to participate through YourSAy. Sixty-seven people attended these meetings to hear more information about the Bill, ask questions, and provide feedback. In addition, the Disability Policy Unit received 19 written submissions from stakeholders.
You can now read the Engagement Summary Report here:
- Download the PDF (247 KB)
- Download the DOC (150 KB)
The DCSI Disability Policy Unit thanks everyone for their participation in this engagement process. We will now focus our attentions on turning the Disability Inclusion Bill into law.
There will be further opportunities for public engagement as we develop the Regulations necessary to operationalise the legislation. In addition, there will be opportunities to participate in a full review of the legislation in three years, once we have had time to assess how it is going in conjunction with all the changes introduced through the NDIS.
Your feedback through this process has provided important information that is vital for us in writing legislation. We will use it to create the framework and requirements for a more inclusive society for people with disability, their families and carers.
Consultation has concluded