What is the discussion paper for?

    This discussion paper is the start of consultation with people with disability, their families, carers and disability support workers, and relevant stakeholder organisations to provide direct input into the development of a new State Disability Inclusion Plan. To develop a plan which accurately reflects the needs of the community for which it is intended, we will need to draw on the expertise, experiences and advice of people with disability and those with lived experience. 

    The feedback we receive will help us create a new State Disability Inclusion Plan to support South Australians with disability to live and participate fully in the community. 


    How is Inclusive SA a living document?

    Inclusive SA was reviewed in 2022 to support the changing environment and alignment to the new Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 (ADS), to establish foundations for the next State Plan. Although this review was required as part of the Act, it was also an opportunity to reaffirm the responsibilities of State Government Departments and Local Councils (State authorities) and ensure our actions were responsive to the needs of the community. To streamline State authority actions with the national agenda, the review realigned the original 39 actions appearing in Inclusive SA under the Outcome Areas defined within the ADS.

    The actions within Inclusive SA have resulted in real and tangible outcomes to improve inclusion and accessibility for people with disability.


    Do I have to answer every question?

    When completing the survey, you can answer all the questions or just choose the areas you are most interested in - simply skip anything that you are not interested in. 

    There are no mandatory questions.

    Can I remain anonymous?

    Yes! You can remain anonymous. 

    You don't need to register or to create any account to participate in this conversation.

    Any information provided through the survey on this website is anonymous. Any information provided via email or in-person will remain confidential.

    Who can I contact for further information?

    You can contact the Social Inclusion Team at Department of Human Services at DHSDisabilityInclusion@sa.gov.au or contact us on (08) 8207 0584.