New design standard for residential driveway crossovers

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

Share your views on a new design standard for residential driveways that aims to improve public safety and enhance streetscapes across South Australia.

What's being decided?

We are seeking your feedback on a draft design standard that outlines how new residential driveways should connect from private property to the street.

Under the draft Residential Driveway Crossover Design Standard, new driveways should be positioned to allow:

  • space for a street-tree in front of the home
  • room to put bins out
  • a suitable distance from roadside infrastructure, such as Stobie poles.

The draft design standard also ensures home builders consider the impacts of driveway design on car parking along the street, maintaining a safe and clear footpath and aligning driveway design with the street’s character.

We are also seeking your feedback on a draft amendment to the Planning and Design Code that has been prepared to complement the design standard and support its delivery.


The draft Residential Driveway Crossover Design Standard was prepared by the State Planning Commission, with input from local councils, developers and state government agencies.

This is the first design standard to be initiated under the new South Australian planning system.

Design standards are a new planning instrument that complement the planning rules outlined in the Planning and Design Code, with a focus on the public realm and infrastructure.

They promote good design in streets, parks and other public places, help manage the interface between the public and private realm and contribute to delivering high-quality infrastructure as part of development.

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say by:

  • taking our short 5-minute survey below
  • register for an online information session:
  • Email a submission to:
  • Post your written submission to: Attention: Matthew Henderson, Senior Planning Officer, Planning and Land Use Services, Department for Trade and Investment, GPO Box 1815, ADELAIDE SA 5001

What are the next steps?

The State Planning Commission will consider your feedback in finalising the draft design standard and Code Amendment and prepare an engagement report outlining what was heard during consultation and what action was taken in response.

We will publish the submissions on the PlanSA portal and will share the engagement report on this website. We will publish company details, but will not publish personal addresses, email and phone numbers.

We will provide the design standard and Code Amendment to the Minister for Planning for approval and we will publish the final design standard and Code Amendment on this website.

Share your views on a new design standard for residential driveways that aims to improve public safety and enhance streetscapes across South Australia.

What's being decided?

We are seeking your feedback on a draft design standard that outlines how new residential driveways should connect from private property to the street.

Under the draft Residential Driveway Crossover Design Standard, new driveways should be positioned to allow:

  • space for a street-tree in front of the home
  • room to put bins out
  • a suitable distance from roadside infrastructure, such as Stobie poles.

The draft design standard also ensures home builders consider the impacts of driveway design on car parking along the street, maintaining a safe and clear footpath and aligning driveway design with the street’s character.

We are also seeking your feedback on a draft amendment to the Planning and Design Code that has been prepared to complement the design standard and support its delivery.


The draft Residential Driveway Crossover Design Standard was prepared by the State Planning Commission, with input from local councils, developers and state government agencies.

This is the first design standard to be initiated under the new South Australian planning system.

Design standards are a new planning instrument that complement the planning rules outlined in the Planning and Design Code, with a focus on the public realm and infrastructure.

They promote good design in streets, parks and other public places, help manage the interface between the public and private realm and contribute to delivering high-quality infrastructure as part of development.

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say by:

  • taking our short 5-minute survey below
  • register for an online information session:
  • Email a submission to:
  • Post your written submission to: Attention: Matthew Henderson, Senior Planning Officer, Planning and Land Use Services, Department for Trade and Investment, GPO Box 1815, ADELAIDE SA 5001

What are the next steps?

The State Planning Commission will consider your feedback in finalising the draft design standard and Code Amendment and prepare an engagement report outlining what was heard during consultation and what action was taken in response.

We will publish the submissions on the PlanSA portal and will share the engagement report on this website. We will publish company details, but will not publish personal addresses, email and phone numbers.

We will provide the design standard and Code Amendment to the Minister for Planning for approval and we will publish the final design standard and Code Amendment on this website.

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

  • Update: Draft Residential Driveway Crossovers Design Standard to be incorporated into future engineering standards

    A total of 85 submissions were received during consultation on the draft Residential Driveway Crossovers Design Standard (84 unique submissions and one duplicate) between 23 August and 14 November 2023.

    Broadly speaking, the submissions recognised the work that has gone into producing a draft design standard for public comment and that the design standard’s objective was a worthy aspiration.

    However, several significant matters were raised that require further and more detailed investigation by the State Planning Commission.

    Therefore, the Commission wrote to the Minister for Planning recommending that the draft design standard and Code Amendment not proceed in their current form. The Minister has agreed to the Commission’s recommendation.

    As outlined in the South Australian Government’s Housing Roadmap, the Department for Housing and Urban Development will prepare engineering standards for residential land divisions in growth areas across South Australia. These will be delivered as design standards in the planning system.

    The Commission has requested that the department incorporate driveway crossovers into these engineering standards, taking into consideration the feedback received from councils, industry and community as part of this consultation process.

    The community, industry and councils will be invited to provide feedback on the draft engineering standards once they have been developed.

    View the engagement report for full details of the feedback received and the Commission’s responses to key topics raised during the consultation, as well as copies of all submissions received.

    For further information visit the PlanSA website.

  • Update: December 2023

    The State Planning Commission is very pleased to have received 85 submissions during public consultation for its draft Residential Driveway Crossover Design Standard, 20 of which were from local government.

    Design standards are a new instrument introduced by the Commission and driveway crossovers is the first to be proposed at a state level. The consultation with community and stakeholders has proven invaluable as several significant matters were raised that require further and more detailed investigation by the Commission.

    In broad terms, the submissions acknowledged the goals of the Commission for the design standard were a worthy aspiration, however there was a general querying of the role this design standard should play in the planning system and the assessment mechanics of how it will work.

    The submissions will be collated and considered in greater detail for the Engagement Report to be released in early 2024.

    The Commission will then consider next steps for the Residential Driveway Crossover Design Standard and the timing for this work within the extensive program being undertaken by the Commission in 2024.

    The Commission will keep the community and stakeholders updated via YourSAy and PlanSA websites.