Expressions of Interest - Clinical Genomics Network

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 3 February to 19 February 2021. Below is a record of the engagement.


The Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health (CEIH) is establishing its newest Statewide Clinical Genomics Network and needs your help.

What’s being decided?

Clinical Genomics is changing the way we prevent, diagnose, treat and monitor illness, giving us the opportunity to develop more precise and tailored healthcare.

The new Statewide Clinical Genomics Network will focus on:

  • making genomics accessible in all areas of healthcare and
  • translating evidence into practice in South Australia.

We want

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 3 February to 19 February 2021. Below is a record of the engagement.


The Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health (CEIH) is establishing its newest Statewide Clinical Genomics Network and needs your help.

What’s being decided?

Clinical Genomics is changing the way we prevent, diagnose, treat and monitor illness, giving us the opportunity to develop more precise and tailored healthcare.

The new Statewide Clinical Genomics Network will focus on:

  • making genomics accessible in all areas of healthcare and
  • translating evidence into practice in South Australia.

We want to bring together a diverse group of people and skills to participate on the Statewide Clinical Genomics Network Steering Committee, including: 

  • Consumers, carers and support groups
  • Public and private clinicians including (but not limited to) clinical geneticists, genetic counsellors and other allied health professionals, medical specialists, general practitioners, nurses.
  • Researchers
  • Clinical educators
  • People with expertise in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
  • People with expertise using Information Technology in genomics
  • People with expertise in data and analytics

Find out more about the role of the Steering Committee and what you need to know before applying to join it.

The Terms of Reference provide further detail about how the Steering Committee will work, once established.

Get involved

If you would like to apply to be part of the Steering Committee:

To provide feedback about the Statewide Clinical Genomics Network, join the online discussion.

What are the next steps?

We will consider all applications received and the CEIH Commissioner will appoint the Steering Committee Members. 

We will notify the outcome to all applicants by early March 2021.

Unsuccessful applicants may have future opportunities to participate on sub-committees or working groups.

Contact details

For more information,email us at or call us on 8226 6209.

Closing date: 5pm, Friday 19 February 2021


Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 3 February to 19 February 2021. Below is a record of the engagement.


The Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health (CEIH) is a new SA Government organisation that provides strategic leadership and advice on excellence and innovation in healthcare.

State-wide Clinical Networks

State-wide Clinical Networks (SCNs) are groups of health professionals, health service organisations, consumers and carers who work collaboratively with the goal of high quality care.

SCNs operate across the continuum of care, in private and public sectors and across all Local Health Networks — both country and metropolitan. Its scope includes the whole South Australian health system.

SCNs will be supported by a Steering Committee who will influence outcomes and implement changes to services as required, with the leadership of a SCN Lead. All staff involved in the particular service area of the designated Network are considered members of that SCN, including those outside SA Health.

The SCNs Lead will report to the Commissioner through the CEIH Executive Director Consumer and Clinical Partnerships.

State-wide Clinical Genomics Network

The State-wide Clinical Genomics Network is the newest network being established by the CEIH.

Clin­i­cal Genomics has the poten­tial to reshape clin­i­cal prac­tice and to fun­da­men­tal­ly change the way we pre­vent, diag­nose, treat and mon­i­tor ill­ness.

It pro­vid­es the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have more pre­cise and tailored health­care and will enable tak­ing for­ward the South Aus­tralian Genomics Plan.

Help us shape the future of clinical genomics in South Australia and apply to be part of the Steering Committee.

More information about the State-wide Clinical Genomics Network is available on the CEIH website

Consultation has concluded
  • Expression of Interest application

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Expression of Interest application

    Now Closed

    This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 3 February to 19 February 2021. Below is a record of the engagement.

    Are you interested in shaping the future of clinical genomics in South Australia?

    If you would like to be part of the Statewide Clinical Genomics Network Steering Committee, read the information about the Steering Committee, the Terms of Reference and the Application Pack and complete the relevant application:

    • For Con­sumers and car­ers:

    Con­sumer-Car­er Online Application

    • For Clin­i­cians and oth­er pro­fes­sion­als

    Clin­i­cian & Pro­fes­sion­al Online Application

    Nominations close at 5pm, Friday 19 February 2021.

    Got questions?

    Email or call us on 8226 6209.

  • The Steering Committee

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Expression of Interest application

    Now Closed

    This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 3 February to 19 February 2021. Find out more about the consultation process.

    Are you interested in shaping the future of clinical genomics in South Australia?

    If you would like to be part of the Statewide Clinical Genomics Network Steering Committee, read the information about the Steering Committee, the Terms of Reference and the Application Pack and complete the relevant application:

    • For Con­sumers and car­ers:

    Con­sumer-Car­er Online Application

    • For Clin­i­cians and oth­er pro­fes­sion­als

    Clin­i­cian & Pro­fes­sion­al Online Application

    Nominations close at 5pm, Friday 19 February 2021.

    Got questions?

    Email or call us on 8226 6209.