Derogation on Price Reporting from the Gas Pipeline Regulation National Package
Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.
We want your feedback on proposed information disclosure requirements for gas service providers under the National Gas Law to apply in South Australia.
What's being decided?
A national process is underway to develop and consult on proposed amendments to the National Gas Law to require gas service providers to disclose the individual prices paid by gas shippers, including key terms and conditions.
We are intending to require different disclosure requirements on gas service providers to ensure the continued availability of bespoke services which are valued by gas shippers in South Australia.
The purpose of this consultation is to explore alternate disclosure requirement options to apply in South Australia.
In May 2021, Energy Ministers released the Options to Improve Gas Pipeline Regulation, Regulation Impact Statement for Decision (DRIS) which outlines improvements to the gas pipeline regulatory framework following an extensive stakeholder consultation process.
The DRIS seeks to address many problems identified with the current regulatory framework, one of which is information disclosure. To mitigate information asymmetries, the DRIS requires service providers of pipelines that are providing third party access to publish a suite of basic information – see Box 8.1 of the DRIS, as well as historical financial and demand information. In addition, service providers will be required to publish information on the individual prices paid by shippers, which includes key terms and conditions.
Get involved
Read the Consultation Paper.
Have your say by:
- emailing submissions to
- registering interest for an online workshop at 12.30 pm (ACST) on Wednesday, 15 September 2021 through by cob Monday, 13 September 2021. An email with log in details will be sent to those who register prior to the meeting.
What are the next steps?
Feedback will be consolidated and considered to determine the appropriate price information disclosure requirements to apply in South Australia and draft regulations will be prepared.
If you would like to provide any comments in addition to a submission or discuss this consultation further, please email
It is proposed that the changes be made to South Australian regulatory instruments to require the information disclosure reporting requirements of anonymised minimum and maximum prices, along with weighted average prices for gas that is supplied to an end use customer in South Australia. This proposal reflects the majority of submissions received to the consultation papers. These can be accessed in the documents section.
Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.