Granite Island Recreation Park Visitor Experience Plan
Consultation has concluded
We want your ideas to help us shape future visitor experiences for Granite Island Recreation Park.
What is being decided?
We are developing a visitor experience plan for Granite Island Recreation Park.
The plan aims to create a shared vision for an accessible and inclusive space for visitors and the community.
The plan will detail potential new or upgraded infrastructure and experiences that will benefit all visitors while continuing to support the island’s conservation values.
We want to know your thoughts about:
- how you and others currently experience Granite Island Recreation Park
- what visitor experiences would make the island a more desirable destination for visitors and community year-round.
Get involved
View the FAQ page and have your say by:
- joining the online discussion
- completing the online survey
- attending one of our drop-in sessions
- attending a Granite Island tour
- registering your interest for a Tourism industry and business workshop
- emailing your written feedback to:
- sending your written submission to:
Tourism & Economic Development Branch
Re: Granite Island Visitor Experience Plan
Department for Environment and Water
GPO Box 1047
All submissions will be publicly available to anyone who requests a copy. Please let us know if you don't want your input on the public record.
How can your input influence the decision?
Your ideas will shape the vision for sustainable nature-based tourism attractions in Granite Island Recreation Park.
What are the next steps?
We will collect your feedback and create a summary which we will share on this website later in the year.
We will prepare a visitor experience plan and high-level visual concepts for further community consultation in July 2021.
Email -
Closing date: 5pm, Friday 21 May 2021
Granite Island Recreation Park (GIRP) holds a very significant place in the hearts of South Australians and always was and is a special place for First Nation peoples.
The island has provided iconic experiences for visitors dating back to 1894, including:
- the horse-drawn tram experience,
- the chairlift operation between 1964 and 1996,
- the Little Penguin experience,
- the Oceanic Victor experience.
Granite Island is located 600 metres off the coast of the city of Victor Harbor in South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula, approximately 120 km from Adelaide. As a recreation park, it is under the care and control of the Department for Environment and Water.
The South Australian Government is upgrading the iconic connection between Granite Island and Victor Harbor, known as the Granite Island Causeway. With the causeway upgrade, the time is right to reimagine Granite Island and create new opportunities and experiences for visitors.
Have your say on the future of Granite Island Recreation Park.