Have your say: Aboriginal Education Strategy

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

UPDATE:  This engagement is closed. The finalised Aboriginal Education Srategy is now available. For full details visit the South Australian Department for Education website.

Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the first stage of the consultation process from 7 June 2018 to 13 July 2018.

Have your say on a new education strategy being developed to help Aboriginal children and young people get the skills they need to be successful in learning and life.

We want to hear your ideas about how we can:

Consultation Process

UPDATE:  This engagement is closed. The finalised Aboriginal Education Srategy is now available. For full details visit the South Australian Department for Education website.

Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the first stage of the consultation process from 7 June 2018 to 13 July 2018.

Have your say on a new education strategy being developed to help Aboriginal children and young people get the skills they need to be successful in learning and life.

We want to hear your ideas about how we can:

  • better support Aboriginal children to learn and thrive before starting school
  • support Aboriginal children and young people to do well at school
  • ensure Aboriginal children and young people are engaged in their learning
  • support young people to do well when they leave school
  • work better in partnership with families and community

View the video

What is being decided?

The Department for Education is currently developing the new Aboriginal Education strategy 2018 to 2028. It will follow on from the previous DECD Aboriginal Strategy 2013 to 2016.

The new strategy is being developed to support:

improved learning outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people
better attendance and retention rates of Aboriginal students
training to ensure teachers and leaders are culturally responsive

How can your input influence the decision?

Your input is important and will help to inform the new strategy.

Input can be provided by:

  • writing a comment in the online discussion
  • completing the survey
  • contacting the Aboriginal Education strategy team by email at education.aboriginalstrategy@sa.gov.au or phone on 82263114 or
  • attending one of our face-to-face consultations listed as events on this page. They are also listed in the Consultation Schedule.

We encourage families, carers, students and community to attend one of the face-to-face consultation sessions listed on this website and in the consultation schedule. Please contact a member of the Aboriginal Education strategy team by email at education.aboriginalstrategy@sa.gov.au or phone on 82263114 to register.

Please note that this is the first round of consultation with a focus on families and carers, students, and the community. The next round of consultation will extend more widely to include broader staff groups, both government and non-government agencies, expert groups and committees and all other interested parties.

Input received from all parties is highly important to us and will help inform the new strategy.

How will your input be used?

A copy of the new strategy will be made available shortly after the consultations are completed.

Contact details

Email: education.aboriginalstrategy@sa.gov.au
Phone: 8226 3114

Closing date: Friday 13 July 2018


UPDATE: This engagement is closed. The finalised Aboriginal Education Srategy is now available. For full details visit the South Australian Department for Education website.
Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the consultation process.

Background to the Aboriginal Education Strategy 2018 - 2028

The Aboriginal Education directorate within the Department for Education is currently developing the new Aboriginal Education strategy 2018 to 2028. The South Australian strategy will follow on from the previous DECD Aboriginal Strategy 2013 to 2016.

Development of the South Australian strategy is supported by the South Australian Aboriginal Education and Training Consultative Committee (SAAETCC) and will align with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education strategy developed in 2015.

The strategy aims to support improved learning outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people, better attendance and retention rates of Aboriginal students and training to ensure teachers, education staff and leaders are culturally responsive.

The State Government and Professor Peter Buckskin via the South Australian Aboriginal Education and Training Consultative Council (SAAETCC), who will represent the Aboriginal community, will work with Aboriginal education leaders, experts, families, students and community members to inform and implement the strategy.

Input into the development of the strategy is sought from families, carers, students, education staff and the community with consultations commencing on 6 June 2018.

Consultation has concluded