Heritage Standard for the Gawler Church Hill State Heritage Area
This consultation has concluded, thank you for your contributions.
Share your views on the draft Heritage Standard for the Gawler Church Hill State Heritage Area.
What's being decided?
The draft Heritage Standard for the Gawler Church Hill State Heritage Area is now open for public consultation.
The Heritage Standard for the Gawler Church Hill State Heritage Area will encourage appropriate development that is compatible with Gawler Church Hill’s heritage values, which include:
- a description of the heritage features of the Gawler Church Hill State Heritage Area, as a basis for advice.
- how the heritage values of properties, open spaces and the character of the area can be managed.
Owners, community groups and others with an interest in the State Heritage Area, are invited to provide feedback.
Gawler Church Hill State Heritage Area is in the centre of the plan for Gawler Town, the design of which is attributed to Colonel William Light in 1839. Gawler is one of the oldest planned towns in South Australia outside Adelaide. Gawler Church Hill was declared a State Heritage Area on 6 June 1988.
Heritage South Australia is in the process of writing Heritage Standards for all South Australia’s State Heritage Areas to make sure they are:
- fit for purpose,
- consistent with the Planning and Design Code (The Code) and,
- reflect the Statement of Heritage Significance for each State Heritage Area.
Heritage South Australia, as delegate of the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water, will use the Heritage Standards to guide advice provided to:
- the relevant authority for proposed development within a State Heritage Area.
- to property owners planning to restore, alter or develop their property within the State Heritage Area.
This map illustrates the boundaries of the Gawler Church Hill State Heritage Area.
You can find more information in the FAQs section.
Get involved
Find out more:
- Read the draft Heritage Standard
- Read the supporting information in the fact sheet
- Take a look at our frequently asked questions
- Book a face to face meeting with Heritage SA
Have your say by:
- completing the online survey
- joining the online discussion
- emailing DEW.StateHeritageDA@sa.gov.au
Consultation closes 5pm Wednesday 31 January 2024.
Please note: Your feedback may be made publicly available unless you indicate on your submission that you wish for this to remain confidential. Surveys do not identify individuals however text responses may be made publicly available. Any responses that are made on a confidential basis may still be subject to access under Freedom of Information laws.
What are the next steps?
We will consider your feedback to finalise the draft Heritage Standard for the Gawler Church Hill State Heritage Area.
Heritage SA will publish and use the approved Heritage Standard to guide heritage advice for proposed development within the Gawler Church Hill State Heritage Area, under the Planning and Design Code.