Heritage Standard for the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area

Consultation has concluded

Have your say on the draft Heritage Standard for the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area.

What's being decided?

We’re seeking community feedback on the draft Heritage Standard for the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area to ensure future development respects the heritage values of the town.

Once approved, the final Heritage Standard will be used by Heritage South Australia to guide development decisions in the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area. Your feedback will help inform the final Heritage Standard for the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area.


We’re developing Heritage Standards for all South Australian State Heritage Areas to ensure that each area has a standard that is fit for purpose, is consistent with the Planning and Design Code and reflects each area’s Statement of Heritage Significance.

Mount Torrens is an outstanding example of a 19th century settlement and was designated as a State Heritage Area in 2002.

The Heritage Standard includes:

  • a description of the heritage features of the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area
  • principles guiding how the heritage values of properties, open spaces and the character of the area can be managed

The Heritage Standard will:

  • guide Heritage South Australia advice when assessing development applications that may impact on the heritage values of the area
  • provide advice to property owners planning to restore, alter or develop their property within the State Heritage Area

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say:

  • take our survey
  • email a submission to DEW.StateHeritageDA@sa.gov.au
  • post your written submission to:
    Department for Environment and Water
    Heritage South Australia
    GPO Box 1047 ADELAIDE SA 5001

Please note: We may make your submission publicly available on the Department for Environment and Water’s website unless you indicate on your submission that you wish it to remain confidential. Surveys do not identify individuals however text responses may be made publicly available. Any responses that are made on a confidential basis may still be subject to access under Freedom of Information laws.

What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback in finalising the draft Heritage Standard for the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area. It will help ensure development in the area protects the identified heritage values.

We will submit the final draft, including feedback, to the Chief Executive, Department for Environment and Water.

We will publish the Heritage Standard on our website and this page, along with a consultation report. It will guide development in the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area, under the Planning and Design Code.

Have your say on the draft Heritage Standard for the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area.

What's being decided?

We’re seeking community feedback on the draft Heritage Standard for the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area to ensure future development respects the heritage values of the town.

Once approved, the final Heritage Standard will be used by Heritage South Australia to guide development decisions in the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area. Your feedback will help inform the final Heritage Standard for the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area.


We’re developing Heritage Standards for all South Australian State Heritage Areas to ensure that each area has a standard that is fit for purpose, is consistent with the Planning and Design Code and reflects each area’s Statement of Heritage Significance.

Mount Torrens is an outstanding example of a 19th century settlement and was designated as a State Heritage Area in 2002.

The Heritage Standard includes:

  • a description of the heritage features of the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area
  • principles guiding how the heritage values of properties, open spaces and the character of the area can be managed

The Heritage Standard will:

  • guide Heritage South Australia advice when assessing development applications that may impact on the heritage values of the area
  • provide advice to property owners planning to restore, alter or develop their property within the State Heritage Area

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say:

  • take our survey
  • email a submission to DEW.StateHeritageDA@sa.gov.au
  • post your written submission to:
    Department for Environment and Water
    Heritage South Australia
    GPO Box 1047 ADELAIDE SA 5001

Please note: We may make your submission publicly available on the Department for Environment and Water’s website unless you indicate on your submission that you wish it to remain confidential. Surveys do not identify individuals however text responses may be made publicly available. Any responses that are made on a confidential basis may still be subject to access under Freedom of Information laws.

What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback in finalising the draft Heritage Standard for the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area. It will help ensure development in the area protects the identified heritage values.

We will submit the final draft, including feedback, to the Chief Executive, Department for Environment and Water.

We will publish the Heritage Standard on our website and this page, along with a consultation report. It will guide development in the Mount Torrens State Heritage Area, under the Planning and Design Code.

Consultation has concluded

If you have specific questions for our team, you can post them here and we will do our best to reply as soon as possible. You can also email questions to DEW.StateHeritageDA@sa.gov.au.