Housing and Homelessness Strategy for South Australia
Consultation has concluded
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 30 June 2019 to 31 August 2019. Below is a record of the consultation process.
We are seeking your input to shape a new Housing and Homelessness Strategy and future direction of housing in South Australia.
What is being decided?
A new Housing and Homelessness Strategy is being developed and will provide an opportunity to redefine and reform the housing system in South Australia over the next 10 years. It will address how to meet current and future housing needs, and aims to provide a common vision forContinue reading
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 30 June 2019 to 31 August 2019. Below is a record of the consultation process.
We are seeking your input to shape a new Housing and Homelessness Strategy and future direction of housing in South Australia.
What is being decided?
A new Housing and Homelessness Strategy is being developed and will provide an opportunity to redefine and reform the housing system in South Australia over the next 10 years. It will address how to meet current and future housing needs, and aims to provide a common vision for the future of housing in South Australia.
We are seeking your feedback to help shape this new strategy to improve housing outcomes for South Australians.
The strategy will be guided by the Strategic Intent which was developed by the Housing and Homelessness Taskforce.
The background section and supporting information pages provide useful information about housing and homelessness in South Australia and work of the Taskforce to provide a Strategic Intent so far.
How can your input influence the decision?
Your input will help us build a strategy to provide better housing outcomes for South Australians.
How can you get involved?
We invite you to provide your feedback.
- Complete the online submission form
- Email your feedback to housing.strategy@sa.gov.au
- Post a written submission to SA Housing Authority, GPO Box 1669 Adelaide SA 5001
- Phone131 299 or
- Join in one or all of the online discussions:
Home and community
Better outcomes
Emerging future needs
Strategic intent
Being more inclusive and responsive
Your submission must be received by 5.00pm (ACST) on Saturday 31 August 2019.
What are the next steps?
Feedback will be used to develop the Housing and Homelessness Strategy which will be released by 31 December 2019.
Closing date: 5.00pm Saturday 31 August 2019
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 30 June 2019 to 31 August 2019. Below is a record of this engagement.
Like much of the country, South Australia faces a range of housing and homelessness challenges.
The Government of South Australia and its partners in the housing and homelessness sector are committed to working together to develop a new Housing and Homelessness Strategy for the State that provides better housing outcomes for South Australians.
The new strategy will consider a broad range of housing and homelessness issues, including market and affordability, supports and services, social housing and Aboriginal housing. It will address how to meet current and future housing needs, and aims to provide a common vision for the future of housing in South Australia.
The Strategy will be developed by the SA Housing Authority in partnership with the housing and homelessness sector and the broader community, to find shared solutions to shared housing and homelessness challenges. The strategy will be released by 31 December 2019.
Extensive engagement with all parts of the housing sector, and with South Australians across the State, will provide a better understanding of housing and homelessness issues and possible solutions and is vital to shaping a successful and sustainable strategy.
Housing and Homelessness Taskforce
The SA Housing Authority hosted an Industry Forum in Adelaide in November 2018 to work closely with the sector to plan a shared approach to developing the new strategy. This Industry Forum brought together about 80 key representatives from across the housing and homelessness sector, to discuss shared housing challenges and shape how government would work with the sector and the broader community to develop the strategy.
Following the Industry Forum, the Minister for Human Services, Michelle Lensink, appointed the SA Housing and Homelessness Taskforce. The Taskforce brought together key representatives from across the housing and homelessness sector to develop a Strategic Intent. The Strategic Intent is a roadmap for how the strategy will be developed. It outlines a shared vision for housing, homelessness and support in South Australia over the next 10 years and includes outcomes, objectives and principles that aim to improve housing outcomes for South Australians.
The South Australian community will play an important role in shaping the new strategy. Participation in this online engagement will provide feedback and ideas about housing and homelessness issues and introduce a wide range of perspectives.
Extensive engagement is being undertaken to ensure that the voices of as many South Australians as possible – from a wide range of perspectives - are considered in the development of the new strategy. You can contribute to the new strategy by getting involved in this engagement.
Our Housing Future 2020-2030 strategy released
From November 2018 through to August 2019, we held an extensive consultation process with various stakeholders and the South Australian community to help inform the development of Our Housing Future 2020-2030 strategy.
Key groups from across the housing and homelessness system, including community housing, real estate and property management, advocacy, homelessness, local government, urban and property development, youth services, ageing, community services, and Aboriginal services and advocacy, were invited to have their say.
The general public, and people with lived experience across housing tenures including those who are homeless or face homelessness, seniors, young people, survivors of domestic and family violence, people with disabilities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and people living in private rental and social housing, were also engaged.
Feedback from all groups highlighted a range of challenges, issues and potential solutions which were considered for the development of Our Housing Future 2020-2030.
Our Housing Future 2020-2030 is a long-term strategy for a better housing future for South Australia. It includes 33 actions under five clear strategies. These will be the foundation for systemic and sustainable change that will:
- boost the supply of affordable housing by creating an environment that drives greater affordability, sustainability, accessibility and innovation, and attracts investment into our communities and regions.
- reduce and prevent housing stress by increasing housing supply where it is needed and to demonstrate to potential buyers that home ownership is achievable.
- boost employment and growth across the state including supporting 800 jobs in the construction and development sectors.
- modernise the social housing system so that it better suits our changing tenant profile and provides stable housing to those who need it most, under a more sustainable service model for the future.
- reform the homelessness system so that it is better integrated and focuses on outcomes that improve housing and life opportunities for people who need more responsive and tailored support.
- support well-functioning and inclusive communities including strategies for housing pathways that join up the housing and support systems with other government and partner services and investment opportunities.
SA Housing Authority is responsible for leading many of the initiatives within Our Housing Future 2020-2030 and will have an ongoing role in implementation over the next decade. However, the success of the strategy will rely on all partners across the housing sector working together to address shared housing challenges. This will include all parts of the housing sector, including government and non-government agencies, and the private sector.
There will also be further consultation with a broader range of stakeholders – including customers – for specific actions as the strategy is progressively implemented over the next decade.
To read the full strategy, or for more information, visit our website
Supporting information
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 30 June 2019 to 31 August 2019. Below is a record of this engagement.
You may find these documents useful in preparing your feedback.
- One-page summary of Strategic Intent
- Towards a Housing, Homelessness and Support Strategy – Strategic Intent, a Taskforce Report to the Minister for Human Services, Michelle Lensink
- SA Housing and Homelessness Strategy Report prepared by the Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI)
- AHURI Audit of South Australia’s current housing assets and mapping of future demand
You can also view two-page extracts of the full report to Minister Lensink.
- South Australian Housing System - Snapshot of Key Statistics
- Culture of business as usual
- Housing system needs to address structural and generational disadvantage for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Reactive not preventative solutions
- Lack of appropriate housing supply
- Unclear direction and roles
Our Housing Future 2020-2030 strategy released
The Our Housing Future 2020-2030, a new 10-year plan that marks the beginning of a better housing future for South Australia, has been launched.
Housing and Homelessness Strategy for South Australia is currently at this stageThis consultation is closed on
South Australia’s Housing, Homelessness and Support Strategy (66.6 KB) (pdf)
Towards a Housing, Homelessness and Support Strategy – Strategic Intent (624 KB) (pdf)
SA Housing and Homelessness Strategy Report (1.05 MB) (pdf)
AHURI Audit of South Australia’s current housing assets and mapping of future demand (3.74 MB) (pdf)
Australian Housing System - Snapshot of Key Statistic (115 KB) (pdf)
Culture of business as usual (136 KB) (pdf)
Housing system needs to address structural and generational disadvantage for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (138 KB) (pdf)
Reactive not preventative solutions (128 KB) (pdf)
Lack of appropriate housing supply (133 KB) (pdf)
Unclear direction and roles (117 KB) (pdf)