SALHN’s Strategic Direction Refresh

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Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

How can SALHN deliver care that meets the needs of consumers and communities?

What's being decided?

The Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) is planning how we provide healthcare for the next four years, by developing the SALHN Strategic Plan.

We really want to hear from our community, consumers, volunteers, staff and other key people to co-create our vision for the future together.


SALHN is a bold and dynamic organisation that delivers healthcare to more than 350,000 people who mainly live in southern Adelaide.

We also care for people from regional SA, NT and NSW.

The health care environment has changed since we developed our last Strategic Plan in 2019, and we are undertaking an important piece of work to refresh it.

A Strategic Direction provides a clear vision and direction for an organisation and refreshing our plan will help us to improve the health care we deliver.

It will allow us to deliver care differently and in a way that meets the needs of our consumers and supports our upcoming plans such as important infrastructure builds as part of the Southern Redevelopment Stage 1.

We have facilitated public forums with consumers, communities and organisations as well as targeted consultations with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sector; Aged care sector; Culturally and Linguistically Diverse sector; and Disability sector. A broader consultation process via YourSAy provides the opportunity for many others to voice their thoughts and ideas.

Get involved

We will be requesting your input at various stages throughout the project to inform the SALHN Strategic Direction 2023-2027. During our first stage you can get involved in the following ways:

What are the next steps?

We will be launching the SALHN Strategic Direction 2023-2027 later this year. Until then, we will be engaging with our consumers and community and considering your feedback.

Updates on our Strategic Direction’s progress will be provided on this site and via our Facebook and LinkedIn page.

How can SALHN deliver care that meets the needs of consumers and communities?

What's being decided?

The Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) is planning how we provide healthcare for the next four years, by developing the SALHN Strategic Plan.

We really want to hear from our community, consumers, volunteers, staff and other key people to co-create our vision for the future together.


SALHN is a bold and dynamic organisation that delivers healthcare to more than 350,000 people who mainly live in southern Adelaide.

We also care for people from regional SA, NT and NSW.

The health care environment has changed since we developed our last Strategic Plan in 2019, and we are undertaking an important piece of work to refresh it.

A Strategic Direction provides a clear vision and direction for an organisation and refreshing our plan will help us to improve the health care we deliver.

It will allow us to deliver care differently and in a way that meets the needs of our consumers and supports our upcoming plans such as important infrastructure builds as part of the Southern Redevelopment Stage 1.

We have facilitated public forums with consumers, communities and organisations as well as targeted consultations with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sector; Aged care sector; Culturally and Linguistically Diverse sector; and Disability sector. A broader consultation process via YourSAy provides the opportunity for many others to voice their thoughts and ideas.

Get involved

We will be requesting your input at various stages throughout the project to inform the SALHN Strategic Direction 2023-2027. During our first stage you can get involved in the following ways:

What are the next steps?

We will be launching the SALHN Strategic Direction 2023-2027 later this year. Until then, we will be engaging with our consumers and community and considering your feedback.

Updates on our Strategic Direction’s progress will be provided on this site and via our Facebook and LinkedIn page.

  • Thank you for providing your feedback. The survey will help us understand your opinions on the draft SALHN Strategic Plan, its themes and objectives.

    This survey should take about 5-10 minutes to complete, depending on how you choose to answer the questions.

    We look forward to reading your responses.

    Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

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