Southern Adelaide Local Area Needs Assessment

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

To help shape our future services, we want to hear from you about the health and wellbeing services that are important to the southern Adelaide community.

What is the Local Area Needs Assessment?

The Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) wants to ensure our services continue to meet the health care needs of the community, by undertaking a Local Area Needs Assessment.

We want to hear from our community, consumers, volunteers, staff, and other key people about the health services and supports that are important to you and your community, both now and into the future.

Your feedback will help us provide the best possible care to you and the community. Share your feedback today to strengthen our services tomorrow.


SALHN is a bold and dynamic organisation that delivers healthcare to more than 350,000 people who mainly live in southern Adelaide.

We are undertaking this important piece of work to get a better understanding of the priority health needs of the local communities that we serve, including unmet health needs and challenges. We want to continue to be responsive to changing needs and enhance the health and wellbeing of the community.

A broad consultation process via YourSAy provides the opportunity for many to voice their thoughts and ideas. We will also be undertaking community consultations.

Find out more about SALHN’s Health Service Planning team and the vital role they play in ensuring our services are well placed to deliver the care the southern community needs.

Get involved

Please complete the survey for your chance to be in a draw to win one of five $40 Prezzee e-vouchers (these can be used at many different retailers).

Find out more:

Have your say:

If you would prefer, you can complete the easy-to-read format survey and send your responses to

What are the next steps?

We will complete the Southern Adelaide Local Area Needs Assessment by mid 2024 and it will be published on the SALHN website.

The Local Area Needs Assessment will inform SALHN’s health service plan, infrastructure plan and workforce plan, and help shape the future services we provide.

To begin the survey please click the survey button below

To help shape our future services, we want to hear from you about the health and wellbeing services that are important to the southern Adelaide community.

What is the Local Area Needs Assessment?

The Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) wants to ensure our services continue to meet the health care needs of the community, by undertaking a Local Area Needs Assessment.

We want to hear from our community, consumers, volunteers, staff, and other key people about the health services and supports that are important to you and your community, both now and into the future.

Your feedback will help us provide the best possible care to you and the community. Share your feedback today to strengthen our services tomorrow.


SALHN is a bold and dynamic organisation that delivers healthcare to more than 350,000 people who mainly live in southern Adelaide.

We are undertaking this important piece of work to get a better understanding of the priority health needs of the local communities that we serve, including unmet health needs and challenges. We want to continue to be responsive to changing needs and enhance the health and wellbeing of the community.

A broad consultation process via YourSAy provides the opportunity for many to voice their thoughts and ideas. We will also be undertaking community consultations.

Find out more about SALHN’s Health Service Planning team and the vital role they play in ensuring our services are well placed to deliver the care the southern community needs.

Get involved

Please complete the survey for your chance to be in a draw to win one of five $40 Prezzee e-vouchers (these can be used at many different retailers).

Find out more:

Have your say:

If you would prefer, you can complete the easy-to-read format survey and send your responses to

What are the next steps?

We will complete the Southern Adelaide Local Area Needs Assessment by mid 2024 and it will be published on the SALHN website.

The Local Area Needs Assessment will inform SALHN’s health service plan, infrastructure plan and workforce plan, and help shape the future services we provide.

To begin the survey please click the survey button below

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

  • Consultation Outcome

    Over 880 southern Adelaide community members, service providers, and organisations participated in the Southern Adelaide Local Area Needs Assessment (LANA) survey and consultation sessions.

    Consultations have now concluded. A genuine and heartfelt thank you to those who took the time to share their thoughts and feedback with us.

    We undertook this important piece of work to better understand the health needs and challenges of the local communities that we serve, both now and into the future.

    The LANA will help guide our decision making regarding our services; how we allocate resources, find improvement opportunities, and seek investment.

    You can read the final LANA Report, a short version or an easy English version, here: Health Service Planning at SALHN | SA Health

    If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact