What is a Code Amendment?

    The Planning and Design Code contains the planning rules and policies that guide what can be developed in South Australia. Planning authorities use these planning rules to assess development proposals.

    A Code Amendment is a proposal to change the policies, rules or mapping within the Code, which can change the way that future developments are assessed.

    Why has this area been identified for residential development?

    The northern suburbs is a fast-growing community and the demand for housing is only increasing. The majority of the land in the Code Amendment is currently zoned ‘Employment’, however, the land has never been developed for commercial or industrial purposes and remains vacant. The remainder is currently in the General Neighbourhood Zone. The proposed rezoning presents an opportunity to increase the supply and variety of housing within an existing, well serviced residential area in the northern suburbs.

    What new Zone is proposed and why?

    The Code Amendment proposes to rezone the entire Affected Area to ‘Master Planned Neighbourhood’. This zone generally seeks a diverse range of housing with a wide range of complementary recreational, community services and other activities.

    It is also proposed to extend the Affordable Housing Overlay, incorporate the Noise and Air Emissions Overlay and apply a Concept Plan over the Affected Area. The Affordable Housing Overlay requires developments of over 20 dwellings to provide 15 per cent affordable housing. Additionally, the Urban Tree Canopy Overlay is also proposed to be expanded across the entire site. 

    A Concept Plan has been developed proposing how the land could be rezoned for residential use and is included in the Code Amendment.

    What is medium density housing and how many homes could be built?

    Medium density housing includes housing types such as townhouses, semi and detached houses, and row houses.

    Subject to final design and investigation, it’s envisaged approximately 300 homes could be constructed on the primary site.

    What investigations have taken place to understand the impacts on the existing community?

    In developing the Code Amendment, investigations have been undertaken to understand infrastructure requirements associated with the proposed use, including noise analysis and traffic network implications. Existing surrounding social infrastructure, Aboriginal cultural heritage, potential contamination issues and airfield implications have also been considered.

    Investigations also include surveying of existing trees on the primary site to better understand their health and significance and how they can be retained where possible if the land is developed.

    When would the land be developed for housing?

    The Code Amendment process needs to be completed and the Minister for Planning would need to approve the final Code Amendment before the land could be developed for housing. 

    The Government of South Australia’s Housing Roadmap indicates that housing construction is to be ready by November 2026. 

    How will my feedback be considered?

    All feedback on the draft Code Amendment and Concept Plan will be considered and help to inform the Code Amendment submitted to the Minister for Planning who makes the final decision.