Draft Murray River National Park Management Plan
Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.
Have your say on the Murray River National Park draft management plan.
What's being decided?
We want to hear your views on an updated management plan for the Murray River National Park. The management plan outlines the objectives and strategies that will set the direction for the long-term management of Murray River National Park.
Your feedback will help shape how the park is managed into the future.
The Murray River National Park’s current management plan was adopted in 1994, with relatively minor amendments made in 2010. Since then, there have been significant changes in the extent of the park and how it is managed.
A new park management plan is proposed to refresh the management approach, and more clearly detail the planned management of the park.
When finalised, this plan will also guide management for the adjacent Rilli Island, Media Island and Kapunda Island conservation parks.
A park management plan is required for every park in South Australia proclaimed under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972.
Get involved
We want to hear your views on the draft management plan for the Murray River National Park.
Find out more:
- read the draft management plan
- take a look at our FAQs
Have your say by:
- taking our survey
- emailing a submission with 'Murray River National Park Draft Management Plan' in the subject line, to: DEWProtectedAreaManagement@sa.gov.au
- Posting your written submission to:
Department for Environment and Water
National Parks and Protected Area Program
GPO Box 1047 ADELAIDE SA 5001
Hard copies of the draft park management plan are available from Department for Environment and Water offices at:
- Adelaide: Natural Resources Centre, Ground floor, 81-95 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5000
- Berri: 28 Vaughan Terrace, Berri SA 5343
Please note: your submission may be made publicly available on the Department for Environment and Water’s website unless you indicate on the submission that you wish for it to remain confidential. Any responses that are made on a confidential basis may still be subject to access under Freedom of Information laws.
What are the next steps?
Your feedback will help finalise a park management plan for Murray River National Park, which will be taken to the Parks and Wildness Council for further advice.
The management plan, as well any advice from the Parks and Wildness Council, will then be provided to the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water for their endorsement.
A final plan is expected to be endorsed later this year, and will be available on this page and at the Department for Environment and Water website.
Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.
If you have a question about the Draft Murray River National Park Management Plan, contact the team at DEWProtectedAreaManagement@sa.gov.au or post your question here and the team will respond directly to you.