Native Vegetation Council Rangeland Assessment Manual 2017

Consultation has concluded


Feedback is being sought on the draft Rangeland Assessment Manual 2017 from individuals interested in native vegetation assessment practices in the arid zone.

What is being decided?

The Native Vegetation Council (NVC) draft Rangeland Assessment Manual 2017 (PDF 4.3MB) has been developed for the purpose of assessing the quality of native vegetation in the arid zone (SA Arid Lands and Alinytjara Wilurara NRM Board regions) of South Australia.

The NVC’s Rangeland Assessment method has been developed for larger vegetation assessments undertaken for the Native Vegetation Branch in the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR). This includes vegetation


Feedback is being sought on the draft Rangeland Assessment Manual 2017 from individuals interested in native vegetation assessment practices in the arid zone.

What is being decided?

The Native Vegetation Council (NVC) draft Rangeland Assessment Manual 2017 (PDF 4.3MB) has been developed for the purpose of assessing the quality of native vegetation in the arid zone (SA Arid Lands and Alinytjara Wilurara NRM Board regions) of South Australia.

The NVC’s Rangeland Assessment method has been developed for larger vegetation assessments undertaken for the Native Vegetation Branch in the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR). This includes vegetation assessments for large clearance application areas, potential and established significant environmental benefit offset areas, and assessment of possible heritage agreement areas.

The previous Rangeland Assessment Manual 2015 was consulted on during 2016 with key industry stakeholders and the community. Feedback from this resulted in the development of the draft Rangeland Assessment Manual 2017, which outlines a more streamlined and practical approach to collecting vegetation data in the rangelands.

How can your input influence the decision?

Feedback will provide valuable input on the draft Rangelands Assessment Manual 2017 and will help inform the way vegetation assessments are undertaken by the Native Vegetation Council’s accredited consultants in the Rangelands of South Australia.

Feedback is particularly being sought on:

  • The field procedure, including the type of data collected to determine the vegetation scores. The vegetation scores determine the Significant Environmental Benefit required to offset the clearance.

Get involved

Have your say and submit your feedback by:

  • joining the discussion
  • sending in a submission to or ‘Rangelands Submissions 2017’, Native Vegetation Council, c/o GPO Box 1047, Adelaide 5001

How will your input be used?

The Rangeland Assessment Manual 2017, together with proposed changes based on feedback received will be provided to the Native Vegetation Council for its consideration and endorsement.

The final Manual will be published and made available on this site and also:


The Rangeland Assessment Manual 2017 has been adapted from the ‘Rangeland Assessment Method’ developed by Natural Resources SA Arid Lands for assessing the quality of vegetation on pastoral properties in the rangelands. These assessments are undertaken by accredited consultants, trained by the Native Vegetation Branch.

The agricultural region of South Australia uses the Bushland Assessment Method 2017 to assess the quality of native vegetation.

The Rangeland Assessment Method is used in arid landscapes due to the differences in plant communities and clearance rates, meaning that the rangelands of South Australia must have a tailored approach to collecting data.

Consultation has concluded
  • Get involved

    Have your say and submit your feedback by:

    • joining the discussion
    • sending in a submission to or ‘Rangelands Submissions 2017’, Native Vegetation Council, c/o GPO Box 1047, Adelaide 5001