Personal mobility device use in South Australia

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

photos of e-scooter, single-wheel self-balancing device and an e-skateboard

Have your say on the future of e-scooters and other personal mobility devices in South Australia

What's being decided?

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport is seeking feedback from the community on whether people want the South Australian Government to enable ongoing use of electric scooters (e‑scooters), electric skateboards (e‑skateboards) and other personal mobility devices (PMDs) on the road network in South Australia.

The aim is to ensure that any future framework for the use of PMDs, including for private purposes, on public roads and paths is safe for all road users.


A PMD is currently defined in South Australia as an electric personal transporter which includes devices like:

  • e-scooters;
  • e-skateboards;
  • single wheel self-balancing devices; and
  • segways.

In South Australia, PMDs are currently not permitted to be used on public infrastructure (public roads and paths) unless approval has been granted by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport.

Currently, only fleet-operated e-scooters are approved for use in a partnership between local councils and commercial e-scooter fleet operators. Since the introduction of trials in March 2019, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of e-scooters and other PMDs.

The South Australian Government has committed to consulting with privately owned PMD users and the broader community on the desirability of moving beyond a trial phase and allowing ongoing use of PMDs on roads and in other public areas.

Get involved

Find out more by reading the Discussion Paper that has been prepared by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport.

The Discussion Paper explains:

  • the work undertaken by the National Transport Commission on a national framework for recognising PMDs in the Australian Road Rules;
  • how the current South Australian e-scooter trials work, and what rules currently apply; and
  • the various topics that are open for consultation and feedback.

Topics open for consultation include whether devices should be allowed, and if allowed, the following:

  1. what kinds of devices should be allowed;
  2. where should they be used; (To assist with answering questions on where should PMDs be used, a visual representation of a cross section of a road is an Appendix to the discussion paper.)
  3. how big should they be;
  4. how fast should they be allowed to travel;
  5. what rules should apply to riders; and
  6. whether they should be registered and/or insured.

Have your say

  • Complete the online survey about PMDs in South Australia
  • Email your comments to
  • Provide written feedback or comments to:
    Personal Mobility Devices
    Road Safety, Policy and Research
    Department for Infrastructure and Transport
    GPO Box 1533, Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback on key consultation topics will be used to inform draft legislative changes to existing Acts and/or Regulations.

While this consultation is open and feedback is considered, approved trials of e‑scooters will continue to operate and be monitored by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport, in consultation with key trial stakeholders.

Have your say on the future of e-scooters and other personal mobility devices in South Australia

What's being decided?

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport is seeking feedback from the community on whether people want the South Australian Government to enable ongoing use of electric scooters (e‑scooters), electric skateboards (e‑skateboards) and other personal mobility devices (PMDs) on the road network in South Australia.

The aim is to ensure that any future framework for the use of PMDs, including for private purposes, on public roads and paths is safe for all road users.


A PMD is currently defined in South Australia as an electric personal transporter which includes devices like:

  • e-scooters;
  • e-skateboards;
  • single wheel self-balancing devices; and
  • segways.

In South Australia, PMDs are currently not permitted to be used on public infrastructure (public roads and paths) unless approval has been granted by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport.

Currently, only fleet-operated e-scooters are approved for use in a partnership between local councils and commercial e-scooter fleet operators. Since the introduction of trials in March 2019, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of e-scooters and other PMDs.

The South Australian Government has committed to consulting with privately owned PMD users and the broader community on the desirability of moving beyond a trial phase and allowing ongoing use of PMDs on roads and in other public areas.

Get involved

Find out more by reading the Discussion Paper that has been prepared by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport.

The Discussion Paper explains:

  • the work undertaken by the National Transport Commission on a national framework for recognising PMDs in the Australian Road Rules;
  • how the current South Australian e-scooter trials work, and what rules currently apply; and
  • the various topics that are open for consultation and feedback.

Topics open for consultation include whether devices should be allowed, and if allowed, the following:

  1. what kinds of devices should be allowed;
  2. where should they be used; (To assist with answering questions on where should PMDs be used, a visual representation of a cross section of a road is an Appendix to the discussion paper.)
  3. how big should they be;
  4. how fast should they be allowed to travel;
  5. what rules should apply to riders; and
  6. whether they should be registered and/or insured.

Have your say

  • Complete the online survey about PMDs in South Australia
  • Email your comments to
  • Provide written feedback or comments to:
    Personal Mobility Devices
    Road Safety, Policy and Research
    Department for Infrastructure and Transport
    GPO Box 1533, Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback on key consultation topics will be used to inform draft legislative changes to existing Acts and/or Regulations.

While this consultation is open and feedback is considered, approved trials of e‑scooters will continue to operate and be monitored by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport, in consultation with key trial stakeholders.

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

  • Consultation Outcome

    The State Government has introduced legislation to Parliament that will pave the way for e-scooters and other personal mobility devices to be used on public roads and paths across South Australia.

    The Bill states that there would be no requirement to register a personal mobility device or for the rider to hold a licence.

    Detailed regulations around device dimensions, areas of access to the road environment, speed limits, minimum age for riders and the road rules they must follow will now be drafted and will consider current research and consultation with experts and identified stakeholders, with the aim that new legislation is expected to commence in early 2025.

    The use of privately owned PMDs will remain prohibited on public roads and paths in South Australia until regulations are introduced.

    Until a future regulatory framework is in place, South Australia will continue with the fleet operated e-scooter trials.

    For further updates please visit the MyLicence website.

  • Consultation Update

    supporting image

    Thank you for your contributions.

    A consultation outcomes summary and full report are now available, providing an overview of what we heard.

    This feedback will be used to inform a decision about PMD use in South Australia, including any future regulatory or legislative changes. We will keep you updated as this progresses.