Renascor Battery Anode Material Facility – Environmental Impact Statement

Have your say on the Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Battery Anode Material Facility.

What's being decided?

Renascor Resources has submitted a development application to construct a Battery Anode Material (BAM) Facility at Robinson Road, Waterloo Corner. The facility aims to produce purified spherical graphite, a key material in the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles.

Renascor Resources has prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and we are seeking your feedback on the EIS.


The application for the proposed BAM has been declared as an Impact Assessed Development. This is the most rigorous level of development assessment in South Australia and is reserved for projects that are of economic, social or environmental importance to the state. A fundamental requirement of this process is the preparation of an EIS.

Renascor Resources initially developed an EIS which was circulated to the City of Salisbury council and relevant state agencies such as the Environment Protection Authority, Department for Environment and Water, and Department for Infrastructure and Transport, for their review and input.

In response to their feedback, Renascor Resources conducted further investigations and made improvements to finalise the EIS in preparation for the public consultation stage of the assessment.

Your feedback will be important in the development of Renascor ResourcesResponse Document. Additionally, the State Planning Commission will consider your feedback when making a recommendation to the Minister for Planning.

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What are the next steps?

All feedback will be reviewed by Renascor Resources to assist in preparing their Response Document.

The State Planning Commission will evaluate all feedback as part of the Assessment Report and for making recommendations to the Minister for Planning.

The Response Document and Assessment Report will be published here, with the Minister’s final decision to be published on the
Plan SA website.

Image: Renascor Resources Limited.

Have your say on the Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Battery Anode Material Facility.

What's being decided?

Renascor Resources has submitted a development application to construct a Battery Anode Material (BAM) Facility at Robinson Road, Waterloo Corner. The facility aims to produce purified spherical graphite, a key material in the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles.

Renascor Resources has prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and we are seeking your feedback on the EIS.


The application for the proposed BAM has been declared as an Impact Assessed Development. This is the most rigorous level of development assessment in South Australia and is reserved for projects that are of economic, social or environmental importance to the state. A fundamental requirement of this process is the preparation of an EIS.

Renascor Resources initially developed an EIS which was circulated to the City of Salisbury council and relevant state agencies such as the Environment Protection Authority, Department for Environment and Water, and Department for Infrastructure and Transport, for their review and input.

In response to their feedback, Renascor Resources conducted further investigations and made improvements to finalise the EIS in preparation for the public consultation stage of the assessment.

Your feedback will be important in the development of Renascor ResourcesResponse Document. Additionally, the State Planning Commission will consider your feedback when making a recommendation to the Minister for Planning.

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What are the next steps?

All feedback will be reviewed by Renascor Resources to assist in preparing their Response Document.

The State Planning Commission will evaluate all feedback as part of the Assessment Report and for making recommendations to the Minister for Planning.

The Response Document and Assessment Report will be published here, with the Minister’s final decision to be published on the
Plan SA website.

Image: Renascor Resources Limited.

Do you have any feedback about the EIS that you would like to share?

You are invited to share your views on the Environmental Impact Statement regarding the proposed development of a Battery Anode Material Facility at Robinson Road, Waterloo Corner.

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Concerns regarding climate change and possibility of this site being flooded in the future.

Elisa 25 days ago
Page last updated: 26 Aug 2024, 01:22 PM