Consultation extended to 24 November 2023
Walker Buckland Parks Development recently expanded its original application area to include three additional areas of land within its existing development approval. Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation is not aware of any known Aboriginal heritage in any of the three additional areas.
See the attached map of the Overall Application Area featuring the Riverlea Park Masterplan data.
Please see the updated Consultation Notice (amended 31 October 2023) and the updated Consultation Information Pack (amended 31 October 2023).
To allow Aboriginal consultees an opportunity to consider and comment on this additional information, as well as the project generally the consultation period has been extended until Friday 24 November 2023
If you wish to learn more, to lodge a submission or make changes to your existing submission and/or be notified of the Minister’s decision in this matter, please:
- Call us on (08) 8429 9401.
- Email your feedback to
- Post your feedback to:
Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation
Attorney-General’s Department
GPO Box 464, ADELAIDE SA 5001
Please contact us by Friday 24 November 2023.
Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.