Riverlea Park Development

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.


We want to hear from Traditional Owners, interested Aboriginal people and Aboriginal organisations about a request for authorisations under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988(External link) (SA) (Act) to enable the construction of a large residential, retail, commercial and recreational development at Riverlea Park (formerly Buckland Park), some 30 km north of Adelaide (the Project).

What's being decided?

If you are a Traditional Owner or Aboriginal party with an interest in the matter, we want to hear your views about the Project.

Your views will help the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs (Minister), who is responsible for the Act, decide whether to grant the authorisations sought to enable the Project.


The Minister has received an application for authorisations under sections 21, 23 and 29(1)(b) of the Act from Walker Buckland Park Developments Pty Ltd (Applicant).

Under the Act, section 21 makes it an offence to excavate land to uncover any Aboriginal site, object or ancestral remains (together, heritage) without authorisation, while section 23 makes it an offence to damage, disturb or interfere with heritage without authorisation. Section 29(1)(b) makes it an offence to remove an Aboriginal object from the state, without authorisation.

The Project would involve excavation and preparation of land across the Overall Application Areas to enable the construction of residential housing and associated infrastructure, as well as excavation works to enable storm water infrastructure installation. See the map of the Overall Applications Areas featuring the 'Riverlea Project Masterplan'.

Aboriginal heritage

The Overall Application Areas contain extensive Aboriginal heritage, including:

  • multiple Aboriginal ancestral burials
  • archaeological sites
  • culturally modified trees.

New information about discovered Aboriginal objects

The Applicant recently provided Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation (AAR) with new information about its discoveries of Aboriginal objects during project works between 2021 and 2023. Information about these discoveries, as well as additional information about nearby Aboriginal sites, is now included in AAR's amended consultation materials. Additional information about these objects following an inspection by AAR archaeologists is included in a new attachment to AAR's Consultation Information Pack.

Upcoming Aboriginal Community consultation meetings

AAR's 8 December Consultation Information Pack provided details for an Aboriginal Community consultation meeting for Traditional Owners and other interested Aboriginal parties:

Thursday 11 January 2024, 5:30pm
Mawson Lakes Hotel
10 Main Street, Mawson Lakes

A light supper will be provided.

In response to requests from Aboriginal Community members, an additional meeting will be held:

Saturday 13 January 2024, 10:30am
Tauondi Aboriginal Community College
1 Lipson Street, Port Adelaide

A light lunch will be provided.

If you would like to attend one or both of these meetings, please RSVP to AAR as soon as possible.

An Aboriginal Community consultation meeting about the application was held for Traditional Owners and other Aboriginal parties on Monday 14 August 2023 at the Riverlea Sales and Discovery Centre, Riverlea Park.

Get involved

Prior to considering whether to grant the authorisations sought, section 13 of the Act requires the Minister to consult with the State Aboriginal Heritage Committee (Committee), relevant Traditional Owners and any other Aboriginal people or Aboriginal organisations that he considers may have an interest in this matter.

If you are a Traditional Owner or an Aboriginal party with an interest in the matter, please read the Consultation Information Pack (amended 22 December 2023) and the Consultation Notice (amended 22 December 2023) and consider the following three questions:

  1. Should the authorisations sought be granted to the Applicant? Why or why not? 
  2. If the authorisations are granted, what conditions (if any) should be imposed on them? 
  3. What should the Minister consider when deciding this application? 

If you wish to attend one or both of the upcoming meetings, learn more, to lodge a submission and/or be notified of the Minister’s decision in this matter, please:

Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation

Attorney-General’s Department

GPO Box 464, ADELAIDE SA 5001

To allow Aboriginal consultees to consider and comment on this additional information, as well as the Project generally, the consultation end date has been extended. Additional Aboriginal Community consultation meetings will be held. Submissions, or updates to existing submissions, can be lodged until Thursday 25 January 2024.

What are the next steps?

Unless otherwise requested, consultee submissions will be forwarded to the Applicant for comment. Once the public consultation period has closed, submissions and the Applicant’s comments about them will be forwarded to the Committee. The Committee’s own views about the application will then be sought.

AAR will collate all feedback and provide its own recommendations to the Minister within a single brief to assist him to make a final decision about the application.

If you are a Traditional Owner or Aboriginal party with an interest in this matter, please consider making a submission.


We want to hear from Traditional Owners, interested Aboriginal people and Aboriginal organisations about a request for authorisations under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988(External link) (SA) (Act) to enable the construction of a large residential, retail, commercial and recreational development at Riverlea Park (formerly Buckland Park), some 30 km north of Adelaide (the Project).

What's being decided?

If you are a Traditional Owner or Aboriginal party with an interest in the matter, we want to hear your views about the Project.

Your views will help the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs (Minister), who is responsible for the Act, decide whether to grant the authorisations sought to enable the Project.


The Minister has received an application for authorisations under sections 21, 23 and 29(1)(b) of the Act from Walker Buckland Park Developments Pty Ltd (Applicant).

Under the Act, section 21 makes it an offence to excavate land to uncover any Aboriginal site, object or ancestral remains (together, heritage) without authorisation, while section 23 makes it an offence to damage, disturb or interfere with heritage without authorisation. Section 29(1)(b) makes it an offence to remove an Aboriginal object from the state, without authorisation.

The Project would involve excavation and preparation of land across the Overall Application Areas to enable the construction of residential housing and associated infrastructure, as well as excavation works to enable storm water infrastructure installation. See the map of the Overall Applications Areas featuring the 'Riverlea Project Masterplan'.

Aboriginal heritage

The Overall Application Areas contain extensive Aboriginal heritage, including:

  • multiple Aboriginal ancestral burials
  • archaeological sites
  • culturally modified trees.

New information about discovered Aboriginal objects

The Applicant recently provided Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation (AAR) with new information about its discoveries of Aboriginal objects during project works between 2021 and 2023. Information about these discoveries, as well as additional information about nearby Aboriginal sites, is now included in AAR's amended consultation materials. Additional information about these objects following an inspection by AAR archaeologists is included in a new attachment to AAR's Consultation Information Pack.

Upcoming Aboriginal Community consultation meetings

AAR's 8 December Consultation Information Pack provided details for an Aboriginal Community consultation meeting for Traditional Owners and other interested Aboriginal parties:

Thursday 11 January 2024, 5:30pm
Mawson Lakes Hotel
10 Main Street, Mawson Lakes

A light supper will be provided.

In response to requests from Aboriginal Community members, an additional meeting will be held:

Saturday 13 January 2024, 10:30am
Tauondi Aboriginal Community College
1 Lipson Street, Port Adelaide

A light lunch will be provided.

If you would like to attend one or both of these meetings, please RSVP to AAR as soon as possible.

An Aboriginal Community consultation meeting about the application was held for Traditional Owners and other Aboriginal parties on Monday 14 August 2023 at the Riverlea Sales and Discovery Centre, Riverlea Park.

Get involved

Prior to considering whether to grant the authorisations sought, section 13 of the Act requires the Minister to consult with the State Aboriginal Heritage Committee (Committee), relevant Traditional Owners and any other Aboriginal people or Aboriginal organisations that he considers may have an interest in this matter.

If you are a Traditional Owner or an Aboriginal party with an interest in the matter, please read the Consultation Information Pack (amended 22 December 2023) and the Consultation Notice (amended 22 December 2023) and consider the following three questions:

  1. Should the authorisations sought be granted to the Applicant? Why or why not? 
  2. If the authorisations are granted, what conditions (if any) should be imposed on them? 
  3. What should the Minister consider when deciding this application? 

If you wish to attend one or both of the upcoming meetings, learn more, to lodge a submission and/or be notified of the Minister’s decision in this matter, please:

Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation

Attorney-General’s Department

GPO Box 464, ADELAIDE SA 5001

To allow Aboriginal consultees to consider and comment on this additional information, as well as the Project generally, the consultation end date has been extended. Additional Aboriginal Community consultation meetings will be held. Submissions, or updates to existing submissions, can be lodged until Thursday 25 January 2024.

What are the next steps?

Unless otherwise requested, consultee submissions will be forwarded to the Applicant for comment. Once the public consultation period has closed, submissions and the Applicant’s comments about them will be forwarded to the Committee. The Committee’s own views about the application will then be sought.

AAR will collate all feedback and provide its own recommendations to the Minister within a single brief to assist him to make a final decision about the application.

If you are a Traditional Owner or Aboriginal party with an interest in this matter, please consider making a submission.

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

  • Consultation Outcome

    18 Oct 2024

    On 9 October 2024, the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs granted authorisations under sections 21, 23 and 29(1)(b) of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 (SA) to the Applicant.

    Traditional Owners and other interested Aboriginal parties are requested to contact Acting Principal Project Officer (Heritage), Mr Peter Kapiris on (08) 8429 9419 or Peter.Kapiris@sa.gov.au for further information.

  • 22 December 2023 update

    21 Dec 2023

    AAR has made the following updates to its consultation materials for this Project:

  • Consultation extended to 25 January 2024 and upcoming Aboriginal Community consultation meeting

    08 Dec 2023

    New information about discovered Aboriginal objects

    The Applicant recently provided AAR with new information about its discoveries of Aboriginal objects during project works between 2021 and 2023. Information about these discoveries, as well as additional information about nearby Aboriginal sites, is now included in AAR's amended consultation materials.

    An Aboriginal Community consultation meeting

    An Aboriginal Community consultation meeting will be held for Traditional Owners and other interested Aboriginal parties from 5.30 pm on Thursday 11 January 2024 at Mawson Lakes Hotel, 10 Main Street, Mawson Lakes. A light supper will be provided.

    For catering, please RSVP as soon as possible.

    Consultation and submissions

    To allow Aboriginal consultees to consider and comment on this additional information, as well as the Project generally, the consultation end date has been extended to Thursday 25 January 2024. An upcoming Aboriginal Community consultation meeting will also be held by AAR. Submissions can be lodged until Thursday 25 January 2024.

    More information

    RSVPs to attend the upcoming Aboriginal Community consultation meeting, submissions, amendments to existing submissions, and requests for further information should be directed to:

    AAR.CIR@sa.gov.au(External link)

    (08) 8429 9401

    Mr Alex van Wessem, Principal Project Officer (Heritage)

    GPO Box 464, ADELAIDE SA, 5001

    AAR is available to assist anyone who has difficulty in recording a submission.

  • Consultation extended to 24 November 2023

    18 Oct 2024

    Walker Buckland Parks Development recently expanded its original application area to include three additional areas of land within its existing development approval. Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation is not aware of any known Aboriginal heritage in any of the three additional areas.

    See the attached map of the Overall Application Area featuring the Riverlea Park Masterplan data.

    Please see the updated Consultation Notice (amended 31 October 2023) and the updated Consultation Information Pack (amended 31 October 2023).

    To allow Aboriginal consultees an opportunity to consider and comment on this additional information, as well as the project generally the consultation period has been extended until Friday 24 November 2023

    If you wish to learn more, to lodge a submission or make changes to your existing submission and/or be notified of the Minister’s decision in this matter, please:

    Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation

    Attorney-General’s Department

    GPO Box 464, ADELAIDE SA 5001

    Please contact us by Friday 24 November 2023.

  • Consultation extended

    18 Oct 2024
    supporting image

    The Applicant, Walker Buckland Park Developments Pty Ltd, recently varied its application to include three additional areas.

    We will upload the updated information and maps in the coming days.

    Submissions are now due Friday 24 November 2023.