SAPS Safety, Wellbeing and Injury Management Strategy development

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Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

Thanks for your interest in direction for safety, wellbeing and injury management for the public sector!

What's being decided?

We want your input on the Safety, Wellbeing and Injury Management Strategy for the public sector (2022 – 2032), which has been drafted following extensive research and deliberation.

We want to ensure we have identified the right issues so that safety, wellbeing and injury management can continue to play an important role in supporting healthy and safe workplaces, and productive work.

Your feedback on the draft strategy will inform the final draft to be endorsed by Chief Executives, and ultimately Cabinet.


The current SA public sector Building Safety Excellence Strategy is set to expire at the end of 2022. Now attention has turned to the issues and challenges that will impact workers’ safety and wellbeing for the foreseeable future and to ensuring that injured workers are effectively supported to recover, return to work and engage in the community.

The draft strategy has been developed using current research and input from WHS and Injury Management professionals across the sector. The issues identified include:

  • an increased attention to identifying and eliminating psychosocial hazards
  • changed working arrangements such as working from home
  • different ways of contracting work and
  • using good work design principles in planning and designing duties and work environments.

The draft strategy prioritises three enablers of improved safety performance. These are:

  • Commitment and Leadership in safety, wellbeing and return to work
  • Contemporary and innovative approaches to deliver safe and healthy workplaces; and
  • Continuous improvement through data

Under each enabler, there are focus areas which provide more detail of the planned activities which will occur. There are also clear review points for the Strategy to ensure it remains focused and relevant throughout its 10-year lifespan. These reviews will consider the focus areas and how success is measured.

Find out more:

Please email any additional feedback to

What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback to finalise the draft Safety, Wellbeing and Injury Management Strategy 2022-2032 and will share a summary on this site.

Thanks for your interest in direction for safety, wellbeing and injury management for the public sector!

What's being decided?

We want your input on the Safety, Wellbeing and Injury Management Strategy for the public sector (2022 – 2032), which has been drafted following extensive research and deliberation.

We want to ensure we have identified the right issues so that safety, wellbeing and injury management can continue to play an important role in supporting healthy and safe workplaces, and productive work.

Your feedback on the draft strategy will inform the final draft to be endorsed by Chief Executives, and ultimately Cabinet.


The current SA public sector Building Safety Excellence Strategy is set to expire at the end of 2022. Now attention has turned to the issues and challenges that will impact workers’ safety and wellbeing for the foreseeable future and to ensuring that injured workers are effectively supported to recover, return to work and engage in the community.

The draft strategy has been developed using current research and input from WHS and Injury Management professionals across the sector. The issues identified include:

  • an increased attention to identifying and eliminating psychosocial hazards
  • changed working arrangements such as working from home
  • different ways of contracting work and
  • using good work design principles in planning and designing duties and work environments.

The draft strategy prioritises three enablers of improved safety performance. These are:

  • Commitment and Leadership in safety, wellbeing and return to work
  • Contemporary and innovative approaches to deliver safe and healthy workplaces; and
  • Continuous improvement through data

Under each enabler, there are focus areas which provide more detail of the planned activities which will occur. There are also clear review points for the Strategy to ensure it remains focused and relevant throughout its 10-year lifespan. These reviews will consider the focus areas and how success is measured.

Find out more:

Please email any additional feedback to

What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback to finalise the draft Safety, Wellbeing and Injury Management Strategy 2022-2032 and will share a summary on this site.

  • Thanks you for completing the survey to assist the development of the new strategy.

    It should less than 10 minutes to complete.

    Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

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