Small Business Statement for South Australia

Consultation has concluded


This engagement has closed for comment - read about the outcomes here.


Tell us about the priority goals and challenges facing small businesses in South Australia.

What is being decided?

South Australia’s small businesses are the backbone of the State’s economy and drivers of employment, State and regional development, and economic growth. We all know someone who owns their own business and can identify with both the challenges and satisfaction this can bring. That’s why the South Australian Government remains committed to supporting small businesses in South Australia to become globally competitive and to prosper.

The South


This engagement has closed for comment - read about the outcomes here.


Tell us about the priority goals and challenges facing small businesses in South Australia.

What is being decided?

South Australia’s small businesses are the backbone of the State’s economy and drivers of employment, State and regional development, and economic growth. We all know someone who owns their own business and can identify with both the challenges and satisfaction this can bring. That’s why the South Australian Government remains committed to supporting small businesses in South Australia to become globally competitive and to prosper.

The South Australian Government is updating its strategy to support small businesses to grow in South Australia. A new Small Business Statement will be developed in partnership with the small business community, and will highlight not only the importance of small businesses to our State, but the actions and activities of Government that help to address the key challenges small businesses face. Our small business community also has a vital role to play in supporting business growth, and we will be seeking suggestions for how industry and Government can work together to address these challenges.

We have implemented reforms in areas important to business such as taxation, Return to Work South Australia (formerly WorkCover) and liquor licensing, in partnership with the community in recent years. It is now time for us to take stock of where small businesses currently see their goals, as well as the challenges they still face, which might be stopping them from growing and creating jobs.

How can your input influence the decision?

We would like your feedback on the priority goals of your business or the businesses you work with, and the biggest challenges you face in achieving these, as well as suggestions for how industry and Government could work together to address them.

You may have already contributed to the recent YourSAy engagement on Removing outdated legislation - Simplify Day, which looked at government processes and compliance. A range of issues have been raised there that could help make doing business in South Australia easier, from Australian Government processes such as industrial relations compliance, to paying SA Government bills electronically.

These issues might be the highest priority for your business, or you may wish to suggest something else. These could be issues that are broader than government processes, but that could really help your business to achieve its goals if addressed, like building your skills to run your business, or help to develop an export plan.

If you would like to provide your feedback to inform the development of a new Small Business Statement for South Australia, please complete our short online survey or join the online discussion.

How will your input be used?

Your feedback will help us to identify the priority goals that are now facing small businesses in South Australia, to inform the development of an action-focussed and industry-led Small Business Statement for South Australia. The Small Business Statement will be published in late 2016.

Want to know more?

Consultation has concluded