South Australia's dog and cat reforms

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Consultation has concluded


This consultation has now ended. For more information about the Dog and Cat Management Citizens' Jury, click here.


We want to know what you think about dog and cat reforms in South Australia.

The Government is proposing a range of reforms to improve the management and welfare of dogs and cats in the community, including:

  • changes to the Dog and Cat Management Act
  • a new breeding code of practice

Two of the most significant proposed changes are the introduction of mandatory microchipping for all dogs and cats, and the requirement for anyone who breeds dogs and cats


This consultation has now ended. For more information about the Dog and Cat Management Citizens' Jury, click here.


We want to know what you think about dog and cat reforms in South Australia.

The Government is proposing a range of reforms to improve the management and welfare of dogs and cats in the community, including:

  • changes to the Dog and Cat Management Act
  • a new breeding code of practice

Two of the most significant proposed changes are the introduction of mandatory microchipping for all dogs and cats, and the requirement for anyone who breeds dogs and cats for sale to register with the Dog and Cat Management Board. A number of other changes are also being proposed.

We want to hear your views on what is proposed.

Provide your feedback

All South Australians were invited to provide their feedback on these reforms. Check out the information below.

Legislative changes -
Dog and Cat Management Act

Draft Breeding
Code of Practice

Consultation has concluded
  • Outcome

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    Dog and cat reforms – legislative changes

    Amendments to the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 were passed in Parliament on 6 July 2016.

    These amendments were based on recommendations made by the Dog and Cat Management Board, the Local Government Association of South Australia, the 2015 Citizens’ Jury on Reducing Unwanted Dogs and Cats and the 2013 Select Committee on Dogs and Cats as Companion Animals.

    The major amendments to the Act include:

    • Microchipping – introducing the requirement for all dogs and cats over (proposed) three months of age to be microchipped
    • Desexing – introducing the requirement for all new generations of dogs and cats born after a prescribed date and by the (proposed) age of six months to be desexed
    • Breeders – introducing a requirement for anyone who breeds dogs and cats for sale to register as a breeder with the Dog and Cat Management Board
    • Sellers – introducing a requirement for certain information to be provided to the buyer
    • Council Powers – councils will have greater powers to administer and enforce the Act, including increases in some expiations and penalties
    • Assistance Dogs – changes to who can accredit animals and recognition of dogs in training.

    Before the amendments become operational, regulations outlining the detailed provisions of the Act are required. These will be developed based on feedback from key stakeholders and the previous public consultation on the Bill. The draft regulations will undergo public consultation for a six-week period later this year.

    The amendments and regulations will be made operational from a future date. It is envisaged that implementation will be in stages during 2017 and 2018.

    For more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions here (PDF, 150KB).