Updating South Australia's Bushfire Hazard Mapping and Planning Rules
Consultation has concluded, thank you for your contributions
Help us update South Australia’s bushfire hazard mapping and overlays in the Planning and Design Code.
What's being decided?
We are seeking your feedback on proposed changes to the bushfire hazard mapping and overlays in the Planning and Design Code.
The State-wide Bushfire Hazards Overlay Code Amendment proposes to:
- review and update the mapping and policy framework of the current six bushfire hazard overlays
- deliver improved policy within the Code
- ensure the right measures are in place to keep our state’s people, property, infrastructure, economy and environments as safe as possible.
We want to better reflect bushfire hazards across the state and introduce new rules to help save lives and build more climate-resilient communities.
South Australia is one of the most bushfire prone areas in the world. Severe fire weather events—like the 2019-20 ‘Black Summer’ bushfire events—can have far reaching impacts and pose a serious threat to our economies, communities and the natural environment.
In May 2022, the South Australian Government declared a climate emergency. Climate change is expected to result in more frequent and intense extreme weather events. Severe bushfires will occur more often and, without action, will have devastating impacts on our communities.
Bushfire hazard area mapping has been undertaken for parts of the state where the areas mapped are considered to be higher risk areas, with the application of 'high’, ‘medium’, and ‘general’ bushfire risk areas. This timely review will be a crucial step in identifying and updating the mapping of bushfire risk areas, which were last updated in 2012.
This updated bushfire hazard mapping will be incorporated into the bushfire hazard overlays of the South Australian Property and Planning Atlas (SAPPA). The draft Code Amendment enables future updates to bushfire risk ratings and hazard mapping without undertaking a Code Amendment process.
For further information about this Code Amendment visit the PlanSA website.
Get involved
Find out more:
- view the proposed bushfire hazard mapping
- read the draft Code Amendment
- take a look at our FAQs
- read our summary
Have your say:
- take our survey
- email: plansasubmissions@sa.gov.au
(Subject: Submission – State-wide Bushfire Hazards Overlay Code Amendment) - post your submission to:
Submission – State-wide Bushfire Hazards Overlay Code Amendment
State Planning Commission
Department for Trade and Investment
GPO Box 1815, ADELAIDE SA 5001
Hard copies of the draft Code Amendment will be available for viewing during standard business hours at:
- Level 9, 83 Pirie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000
What are the next steps?
We will consider all feedback and prepare an Engagement Report for the Minister’s decision, which will be published on this and the PlanSA website, along with the outcome of the Code Amendment and any further updates.
Your views will help us to update the hazard overlays and mapping to reflect current bushfire risk areas and deliver an improved policy framework within the Code to assess development in areas of potential bushfire hazard impacts.
Consultation has concluded, thank you for your contributions