Previous Engagement

In July 2017, we asked for your feedback on the Draft ACE Program Statement, which was co-designed with Community Centres SA and incorporated feedback received from all stakeholders in May and June 2017. We wanted to hear your thoughts on the proposed goals for ACE, which have been finalised in the new ACE Program Statement 2018/19 and beyond(External link).

View the original engagement here.

We have listened to the feedback we received during the initial engagement phase with a broad range of stakeholders in May and June 2017.

The draft ACE Program Statement (PDF 620KB) recognises the unique strengths of the ACE Program and the significant changes to the sector in recent years. Fundamental changes are proposed to strengthen ACE, which directly reflect the feedback gathered during the engagement process from:

  • 52 current ACE participants
  • 41 existing providers (64 individuals)
  • 7 potential new providers (9 individuals)
  • 10 ACE tutors
  • 9 peak bodies
  • 10 partner organisations (local, state and commonwealth agencies)
  • 22 people from the public through the YourSAy website.

The changes proposed to the ACE Program from 2018/19 include:

  • proposed new vision, which directly reflects stakeholder feedback
  • a new brand for ACE, to strengthen the program’s profile
  • more flexibility in contracts by requiring less course detail, so ACE Providers have more flexibility to meet local needs
  • reporting at the conclusion of the ACE Program to reduce the number of reports required from Providers
  • final report by 31 July to align with Commonwealth requirements and allow providers to align ACE course delivery with school terms
  • changes to payment dates and structure to accommodate new report timing and to reduce red tape
  • strengthening understanding of regional needs, employment opportunities and programs and services available to ACE participants
  • developing a framework to develop better partnerships that support participants to transition to further training, volunteering or work.

The feedback provided by ACE participants, new and existing providers, peak bodies, partner organisations and the public has informed the proposed new goals for the ACE Program from 2018/19 and beyond, which are:

Goal 1: Strengthen the profile of the ACE program and promote its unique strengths
Goal 2: Recognise and build the capability of the ACE workforce
Goal 3: Create a framework that supports seamless pathways for individuals within and beyond the ACE program
Goal 4: Formalise Connections between ACE providers and other programs and services
Goal 5: An improved ACE Program Model
Goal 6: Capture all measures of success

To provide your feedback on the proposed new goals and the draft ACE Program Statement (PDF 620KB), please complete the survey by 9 August 2017.

To find out more about the feedback provided in relation to the proposed new goals, you can view the feedback summary report (PDF 1MB).

Consultation has concluded

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