Stronger voice for industry

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the open consultation process from 18 June 2018 to 8 July 2018.

Contribute to the conversation to establish Industry Skills Councils and to revitalise the Training and Skills Commission to provide a stronger voice for industry.

What is being decided?

The Marshall Liberal Government is committed to listening to industry to ensure South Australia’s investment in training is targeted effectively to deliver real jobs and careers.

To support this, the Minister for Industry and Skills, Hon David Pisoni MP, is consulting with stakeholders on two key initiatives

Consultation Process

UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the open consultation process from 18 June 2018 to 8 July 2018.

Contribute to the conversation to establish Industry Skills Councils and to revitalise the Training and Skills Commission to provide a stronger voice for industry.

What is being decided?

The Marshall Liberal Government is committed to listening to industry to ensure South Australia’s investment in training is targeted effectively to deliver real jobs and careers.

To support this, the Minister for Industry and Skills, Hon David Pisoni MP, is consulting with stakeholders on two key initiatives that will give industry the opportunity to influence Government decision-making processes to benefit industry in South Australia.

A revitalised Training and Skills Commission will provide advice on workforce development needs and identify training priorities aligned with employer requirements to create certainty and stability in the training sector. The revitalised Training and Skills Commission membership will include the Heads of the Industry Skills Councils.

The Industry Skills Councils will ensure industry has a stronger voice in TAFE, VET in schools, on the Training and Skills Commission and directly to the highest levels of government decision-making, including to the Minister and Cabinet.

Get involved

You can provide your feedback by:

  • Completing the online submission form by 8 July 2018 to inform roundtable discussions
  • Comment in the online discussions on Establishing the Industry Skills Council and Revitalising the Training and Skills Commission
  • Participating in industry roundtable discussions - key industry stakeholders will be invited in June 2018
  • Emailing:
  • Calling: Skills and Employment Infoline on 1800 506 266

Read more about the other ways industry can provide input to the Training and Skills Commission's current body of work in the Get Involved section of this engagement.


How can your input influence the decision?

During June to August 2018, you can be part of this conversation and your input will help shape:

  • the role, industry coverage, functions and model for establishing the Industry Skills Councils
  • the purpose, role and membership of a revitalised Training and Skills Commission

Download the Engagement Fact Sheet for more information

This engagement process includes:

  • Consultation with a broad range of industry stakeholders via online submissions (June - July 2018) to inform industry roundtable discussions.
  • Up to eight industry sector roundtable discussions (August 2018)
  • Industry champions meeting with the Minister (late August 2018)
  • Minister's announcement (October 2018)
  • Feedback provided to all participating stakeholders (late October 2018).


Industry Skills Councils

The proposed groupings for up to eight Industry Skills Councils is based on the Australian New Zealand Standard Industry Classifications (ANZSIC) and strategic industry priorities for South Australia:

  • Agribusiness
  • Mining and Energy
  • Defence and Aerospace
  • Construction
  • Service Sector
  • Manufacturing, Transport and Technical Skills (including Digital)
  • Business & Education
  • Health and Community Services

We want your feedback on these proposed groupings to ensure strategic sectors of the economy are represented through the establishment of Industry Skills Councils. 


Revitalised Training and Skills Commission

The proposed functions of the revitalised Training and Skills Commission (the Commission) is to:

  • collect and coordinate up-to-date information on emerging skill needs
  • provide independent advice to Government on workforce development needs
  • develop and maintain strong links with regional representatives and business stakeholder groups
  • deliver a clear Training Priorities Plan to create certainty and stability in the training sector, aligned with employer demands
  • consider the place of shorter training units, cadetships, upskilling and re-skilling within the training system
  • meet with the Minister regularly to ensure Industry representatives have a clear line of communication to the Government

The revitalised Training and Skills Commission membership will include the Heads of the Industry Skills Councils

We want your feedback on the proposed role of a revitalised Commission, including:

  • potential functions to meet the needs of industry
  • most effective ways for the Commission to connect with regional representatives and business stakeholder groups

How will your input be used?

Industry feedback will influence the purpose, role and membership of a revitalised Commission and the functions and model of the Industry Skills Councils.

Following online submissions, the Minister will invite key industry players to roundtable discussions specific to their industry sectors to discuss models to establish Industry Skills Councils and to determine the role of the Training and Skills Commission.

After the roundtable discussions, the Minister will invite a group of industry champions to a meeting to consider the model for implementation.

Feedback will be provided in August 2018 to all stakeholders who participated in the consultation and the Minister will announce the decision.

Closing date: Sunday 8 July 2018


The establishment of Industry Skills Councils and revitalising the Training and Skills Commission are part of the State Government’s Skilling South Australia PolicyThis Policy will initiate major reforms that make a significant investment towards boosting apprenticeships and targeting South Australia’s training budget effectively at delivering skills outcomes leading to real jobs and careers.

The Department for Industry and Skills has commenced work on these commitments ensuring a transparent approach with greater engagement and a focus on giving industry a stronger voice in our training system.

Initiatives underway to deliver this Policy commitment include:

  • establishing Industry Skills Councils and revitalising the Training and Skills Commission
  • delivery of the Skilling Australians Fund(20,815 new apprenticeships and traineeships over the next 4 years) including:
    •  streamlining Employer Registrations
    •  flexible Apprenticeship Pathways
    •  support for Group Training Organisations
  • changing attitudes towards skilled careers
  • a new Technical College (led by Department for Education)
  • reform of the subsidised training list, to support the Government's commitment to a fresh start for TAFE.


Useful links

The proposed industry groupings for Industry Skills Councils are based on strategic priorities for South Australia and the Australian New Zealand Standard Industry Classifications (ANZSIC)

The Victorian Skills Commissioner

NSW Skills Board

NSW Industry Training Advisory Bodies

Jobs Queensland

WA State Training Board 

WA Industry training advisory bodies

Industry Skills Advisory Council NT

Skills Canberra

Skills Tasmania

Consultation has concluded
  • What you said

    A broad range of industry leaders, business and training representatives, as well as other stakeholders, are invited to participate in the engagement process by:

    • Completing the online submission form by 8 July 2018 to inform roundtable discussions
    • Participating in industry roundtable discussions - key industry stakeholders will be invited in June 2018
    • Emailing:
    • Calling: Skills and Employment Infoline on 1800 506 266

    Complementing this engagement process are other opportunities for industry to provide input to the Training and Skills Commission's current body of work:

    • Skills for Future Jobs 2020 Series:
      • Future-proofing the Apprenticeship and Traineeship System Discussion Paper, June-Sept 2018
      • Industry Priority Qualifications (IPQ) Survey, June-July 2018
    • Review of Supervision Guidelines for apprentices and trainees, June 2018

    To participate in these engagement opportunities, please visit the Training and Skills Commission website