What you said
A broad range of industry leaders, business and training representatives, as well as other stakeholders, are invited to participate in the engagement process by:
- Completing the online submission form by 8 July 2018 to inform roundtable discussions
- Participating in industry roundtable discussions - key industry stakeholders will be invited in June 2018
- Emailing: isc@sa.gov.au
- Calling: Skills and Employment Infoline on 1800 506 266
Complementing this engagement process are other opportunities for industry to provide input to the Training and Skills Commission's current body of work:
Skills for Future Jobs 2020 Series:
- Future-proofing the Apprenticeship and Traineeship System Discussion Paper, June-Sept 2018
- Industry Priority Qualifications (IPQ) Survey, June-July 2018
- Review of Supervision Guidelines for apprentices and trainees, June 2018
To participate in these engagement opportunities, please visit the Training and Skills Commission website www.tasc.sa.gov.au.
Consultation has concluded