Ticket Scalping

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the open consultation process from 4 July 2018 to 20 July 2018.

We invite your feedback to make sure consumers are adequately protected from ticket scalpers.

What is being decided?

The State Government has introduced reforms that aim to increase consumer protections around ticket scalping for a range of popular sporting and entertainment events in South Australia.

We would like to hear your thoughts about:

  • The number of tickets that can be sold in one transaction.
  • Events that may be excluded from the new laws.
  • Ticket re-sellers

Consultation Process

UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the open consultation process from 4 July 2018 to 20 July 2018.

We invite your feedback to make sure consumers are adequately protected from ticket scalpers.

What is being decided?

The State Government has introduced reforms that aim to increase consumer protections around ticket scalping for a range of popular sporting and entertainment events in South Australia.

We would like to hear your thoughts about:

  • The number of tickets that can be sold in one transaction.
  • Events that may be excluded from the new laws.
  • Ticket re-sellers recouping the administrative or transaction costs associated with the original ticket purchase.
  • Software or ‘bots’ used to purchase tickets.

How can your input influence the decision?

Your input will help to identify issues that need to be tackled and the strategies that could be put in place to protect South Australians from ticket scalping.

Input can be provided by:

  • Emailing your comments to Consumer and Business Services on CBSReforms@sa.gov.au
  • Joining the online discussion

How will your input be used?

The new Ticket Scalping Regulations will be drafted considering the feedback received during this consultation process.

Closing date: Friday 20 July 2018


The State Government has introduced reforms into Parliament that aim to increase consumer protections around ticket scalping for a range of popular sporting and entertainment events in South Australia.

Under the new laws, it will be illegal for anyone to re-sell tickets or advertise the resale of tickets at a price that is more than 110% of the original ticket price. The new laws also create an offence for anyone to use ‘ticket bots’ or other software to purchase tickets to an event in South Australia.

The Fair Trading (Ticket Scalping) Amendment Bill 2018 has been introduced into Parliament. Before the Regulations are drafted, we are inviting all interested businesses and consumers to provide their comments on the proposed reforms, including feedback on:

  • Capping the total number of tickets that can be purchased to an event at any one time.
  • Whether certain entertainment/sporting events or venues should be excluded from the new requirements.
  • Enabling ticket re-sellers the ability to recoup the administrative or transaction costs associated with the original ticket purchase.

We are also seeking information on existing applications or software (‘ticket bots’) that are commonly used to purchase high volumes of tickets to popular events.

Consultation has concluded
  • What you said

    What you said

    Please write a comment in one of the four discussion forums below and help us with the development of the new regulations to control ticket scalping.

    You can also provide your feedback by sending an email to Consumer and Business Services at CBSReforms@sa.gov.au