Draft Urban Greening Strategy for Metro Adelaide Consultation

Consultation has concluded

We want to hear what you think is important to increase metropolitan Adelaide’s tree canopy, cool the city and boost biodiversity. 

What's being decided?

We are seeking your feedback on the actions of the draft Urban Greening Strategy for metropolitan Adelaide and the potential opportunities for collaboration and implementation.

 The strategy identifies priority actions that:

  • fill known gaps or scale up what is already working well
  • unlock metropolitan-wide benefits
  • harness cross-sector collaboration and/or co-investment.

We encourage all community members and organisations who deliver, influence or are interested in urban greening to contribute their thoughts to inform the final strategy and its future implementation.  


Metropolitan Adelaide has almost 17% tree canopy cover, but this isn’t evenly distributed across our suburbs.

For Adelaide’s urban environment to thrive, we need a roadmap for increasing tree canopy, cooling the city and boosting biodiversity.

Tree canopy and other plants cool our city, provides mental and physical health benefits for our population, and provides homes for native animals.

Urban temperatures are predicted to increase, so it’s even more important that we grow a healthy and diverse urban forest to ensure that Adelaide stays liveable and cool. 

The strategy brings together state government, metropolitan councils, non-government organisations, industry peak bodies, research institutions, Kaurna people and the broader community to deliver practical greening actions that share the load and bridge the gaps between different stakeholders. 

Everyone has a different, but important, role to play in greening our city. 

Get involved

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Have your say by:

What are the next steps?

We have received outstanding interest from the metropolitan Adelaide community on the draft Urban Greening Strategy.

We want to give this feedback the attention it deserves to best position our city to increase tree canopy, cool the area and boost biodiversity with useful targets.

We have reassessed project timelines, and the final strategy is now expected to be ready by early-2025.

We thank those who spent time and effort providing their insights, which highlighted a high support rate for the strategy’s implementation to deliver a resilient and liveable Adelaide for all.

We will keep you informed about the strategy as it progresses. Once ready, the consultation report will appear on this site.

We want to hear what you think is important to increase metropolitan Adelaide’s tree canopy, cool the city and boost biodiversity. 

What's being decided?

We are seeking your feedback on the actions of the draft Urban Greening Strategy for metropolitan Adelaide and the potential opportunities for collaboration and implementation.

 The strategy identifies priority actions that:

  • fill known gaps or scale up what is already working well
  • unlock metropolitan-wide benefits
  • harness cross-sector collaboration and/or co-investment.

We encourage all community members and organisations who deliver, influence or are interested in urban greening to contribute their thoughts to inform the final strategy and its future implementation.  


Metropolitan Adelaide has almost 17% tree canopy cover, but this isn’t evenly distributed across our suburbs.

For Adelaide’s urban environment to thrive, we need a roadmap for increasing tree canopy, cooling the city and boosting biodiversity.

Tree canopy and other plants cool our city, provides mental and physical health benefits for our population, and provides homes for native animals.

Urban temperatures are predicted to increase, so it’s even more important that we grow a healthy and diverse urban forest to ensure that Adelaide stays liveable and cool. 

The strategy brings together state government, metropolitan councils, non-government organisations, industry peak bodies, research institutions, Kaurna people and the broader community to deliver practical greening actions that share the load and bridge the gaps between different stakeholders. 

Everyone has a different, but important, role to play in greening our city. 

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say by:

What are the next steps?

We have received outstanding interest from the metropolitan Adelaide community on the draft Urban Greening Strategy.

We want to give this feedback the attention it deserves to best position our city to increase tree canopy, cool the area and boost biodiversity with useful targets.

We have reassessed project timelines, and the final strategy is now expected to be ready by early-2025.

We thank those who spent time and effort providing their insights, which highlighted a high support rate for the strategy’s implementation to deliver a resilient and liveable Adelaide for all.

We will keep you informed about the strategy as it progresses. Once ready, the consultation report will appear on this site.

  • We want to hear what you think is important to increase metropolitan Adelaide’s tree canopy, cool the city and boost biodiversity.

    We encourage all community members and organisations who deliver, influence or are interested in urban greening to contribute their thoughts to inform the final strategy and its future implementation. 

    This survey will help us understand your opinions on the priorities and actions of the strategy, as well as opportunities for collaboration and implementation.

    This survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. 

    It is recommended to read the draft Urban Greening Strategy for Metropolitan Adelaide or Community Summary before completing the survey. 

    All personal data (names and email) will remain confidential.

    * Indicates a mandatory question.

    Consultation has concluded