Access and connectivity to the Internet

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

We want your input to shape our state’s future connectivity investment priorities.

What's being decided?

The Government of South Australia is seeking your views to support the development of its connectivity strategy to ensure South Australians can benefit from improved internet and mobile phone services.

It is intended that feedback obtained through this process will inform future funding requests and decisions from a variety of sources including Commonwealth, state and local government, and telecommunications services providers.

We want to hear from you on how improved access to the internet and mobile phone coverage benefits you, your community, and the services you depend on.


Digital infrastructure is key to making South Australia a better place to live, work and do business, now and for generations to come. It serves to connect us to community; and unlock new markets, new business and service delivery models, and productivity.

While parts of Adelaide have excellent connectivity through programs such as GigCity, areas of regional South Australia have digital connectivity challenges, which limits expansion opportunities for business, flexible arrangements for workers, access to new service delivery models including remote learning, and social inclusion overall.

Get involved

Tell us why digital connectivity is important to you and your community by:

What are the next steps?

Your contribution will inform our connectivity strategy and the potential investment decisions to improve connectivity for the State.

We want your input to shape our state’s future connectivity investment priorities.

What's being decided?

The Government of South Australia is seeking your views to support the development of its connectivity strategy to ensure South Australians can benefit from improved internet and mobile phone services.

It is intended that feedback obtained through this process will inform future funding requests and decisions from a variety of sources including Commonwealth, state and local government, and telecommunications services providers.

We want to hear from you on how improved access to the internet and mobile phone coverage benefits you, your community, and the services you depend on.


Digital infrastructure is key to making South Australia a better place to live, work and do business, now and for generations to come. It serves to connect us to community; and unlock new markets, new business and service delivery models, and productivity.

While parts of Adelaide have excellent connectivity through programs such as GigCity, areas of regional South Australia have digital connectivity challenges, which limits expansion opportunities for business, flexible arrangements for workers, access to new service delivery models including remote learning, and social inclusion overall.

Get involved

Tell us why digital connectivity is important to you and your community by:

What are the next steps?

Your contribution will inform our connectivity strategy and the potential investment decisions to improve connectivity for the State.

Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.

  • Consultation update

    supporting image

    Thank you for your contributions about access to the internet and mobile phone services in South Australia.

    The Government of South Australia is now well-positioned to inform future strategic decision-making to improve digital connectivity for communities across the state as funding opportunities become available from various sources, including the Commonwealth Government and telecommunications services providers.