Vehicle Parking Amendment Bill
We want your feedback on the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Vehicle Parking) Amendment Bill 2025.
What's being decided?
The draft Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Vehicle Parking) Amendment Bill 2025 seeks to establish a Vehicle Parking Scheme, which will set minimum car parking requirements for new residential developments in Greater Adelaide.
The South Australian Government is seeking feedback on the Bill and proposed Vehicle Parking Scheme.
Car parking on residential streets has become a contentious issue amongst the community, especially in those areas where substantial infill (development of vacant land in existing communities) is occurring.
During the 2022 state election, the South Australian government made an election commitment to get more parked cars off suburban streets to reduce congestion and improve streetscapes.
By establishing minimum car parking requirements, there is an opportunity to ensure adequate car parking is an integral part of the design of future residential developments across Greater Adelaide.
The draft Bill seeks to establish a Vehicle Parking Scheme, which will set:
- the minimum number of car parks that must be provided for new dwellings based on the number of bedrooms.
- Note: the recommended rate of car parks per bedroom reflects the current rate that applies in residential zones across the state, this is not a change to current rules.
- larger minimum dimensions for single vehicle off-street parking areas, capable of accommodating the top ten selling vehicles in South Australia.
- Note: there is no requirement to build a garage or carport, just the space for at least one vehicle to be covered should the owner choose to in the future.
- a Vehicle Parking Fund for developers to pay offset fees in limited circumstances where the minimum requirements cannot be met.
The Vehicle Parking Fund could then be used to develop new public parking in areas where insufficient car parking exists, maintain existing public car parks or improve bicycle parking facilities to encourage active transport.
The Bill also proposes:
- the Scheme will only apply to residential development within the Greater Adelaide Area in the first instance, but its scope may be increased by designating further classes of development (e.g. commercial development) in the scheme in the future
- that areas or classes of development can be excluded from the operation of the Scheme by Ministerial notice on the SA Planning Portal
- to establish an offence provision for failure to comply with a mandatory condition required under the Vehicle Parking Scheme
- the potential winding up of existing council car parking schemes.
Get involved
Find out more:
- read the draft Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Vehicle Parking) Amendment Bill 2025
- read the draft Vehicle Parking Scheme
Have your say by:
- taking our survey about the draft Bill and Vehicle Parking Scheme.
- emailing your submission to: (subject line: Vehicle Parking Scheme)
If you wish to provide additional feedback or have any questions, please email (subject line: Vehicle Parking Scheme) or call 1800 752 664.
Hard copies of the draft Bill are available during standard business hours at Level 9, 83 Pirie Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000.
What are the next steps?
We will consider your feedback to finalise the Bill and will share a summary of feedback received on this site.
If passed by Parliament, a copy of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Vehicle Parking) Amendment Bill 2025 will be made available on this page.